
You're right about the very end. I was referring to the showdown in IT's lair. That didn't work for me at all. in fact, the whole "deadlights" thing didn't work for me. But yes, the epilogue is lovely and wistful and appropriate for these characters.

What I love about King's best work isn't that he's a flawless master of prose, but that he creates characters you know and love and cannot resist, even if they are awful or scary. His characters are so good you find yourself slamming a book shut to save their lives, because you cannot stand to lose them. And even when

Fair enough, but goddamn was Davis good in All About Eve.

As funny, campy and dramatic as this show is, it's also a tragedy. Forget being "besties," that was never going to happen. But if these two powerhouse women had been able to put aside their scars and insecurities, worked together and had a little bit of vision to go with their ambition, they could have moved Hollywood

Their feud is Old Hollywood-legendary. There's a rumor that during the filming of Baby Jane, Joan Crawford strapped on weights under her costume so that Bette Davis would injure her back when she had to pick Joan up and carry her in one scene.

What about a whole new case to solve?

If they made it with both of the leads, I'd watch it for 20 seasons. Hart and Cohle solve crimes together and puzzle out the true meaning of "scented meat?" Fuck yes!

Yeah, but how about you just cook some goddamn decent food, and stop trying to outgame everyone, Katsuji?

I intensely dislike Katsuji.


Sure. But I might have been, too. Basically his teammates were telling him to make a sub-par dish because they didn't plan for a good one. I'm sure Jim can make the fuck out of some biscuits, with the proper ingredients.

Yes. But that is true for pretty much the whole South. You cannot avoid the connections of slavery and racism. They are everywhere around people there. Same with cooking on the plantation. Boone Hall is an interesting place with a terrible history, and when you visit, you almost feel like you're on sacred ground

I didn't blame Jim for not making biscuits just because he has immunity. They should have planned for biscuits when they were making their menu, and purchased the correct ingredients for them. You can't just serve any old crap and call it a biscuit, especially not in the home of the best biscuits in the world.

I wish it weren't that way. But journalism is a calling — or should be. If someone feels passionate about finding the truth — or the best obtainable version of it — they should commit journalism. Just don't go into it thinking you'll get rich. LOL

Or he's the prison in the sense that he doesn't even understand until it's explained to him that what he did was demeaning, humiliating and illegal. He thought by saying "I love you," it wasn't rape the same way MCC thinks that be acting like "it's for their own good" that it is not acting in the most inhumane ways

If Frieda had gotten the gun, we know exactly where this would have gone.

Exactly. Journalists used to be doing a public service (not the same as civil servants).

Is it wrong that I thought less that the writers assumed no one would sympathize with Poussey if the didn't make her nearly perfect as much as that they were using a character who was one of the nicest, most close-to-innocent and well liked to set off a flashpoint around which most of the prison could unite? There was

So maybe I'm the only one who doesn't think Angie is funny. I think she's nasty, and being the shower-shitter only cemented that belief for me.

I get that.