Now the Nightmare is Real

In Russia, zones time you!

Sorry, Oscars, but Bojack Horseman wore it first and wore it best…

Don't feel bad for Barron. I had to turn 42 before I got to hang out with my 70 year old dad. Barron gets to do it at age 10. Imagine all the fun they must have playing together.

Is there any reason for any studio to make ANY movie other than to make money? Are you claiming "Suicide Squad" was making money AND keeping us save from terrorism? That "Zootopia" was making money AND curing cancer?

When people bitch about shows having mediocre later seasons, they don't realize that usually creators/show runners know that the show has run its course. But they also know closing shop when the network is willing to give them a season or two more means having to tell all their employees "hey, I didn't HAVE to fire

To be fair, it was posted under the tragically misnomered "Great Job, Internet!", and not the actual TV Club.

Actually, the first show to put the big action in the second to last episode was " I Love Lucy". If you'll recall, in the penultimate episode of season one, Lucy performed some madcap antics which Ricky did not approve of. Not. One. Bit. As a result, Lucy had some 'splainin' to do. Very intense stuff.

Um, Dave Franco isn't male;

"Hey, you got your penis in my vagina!" According to my mom, that's how Reece's Peanut Butter Cups are made.

I just hope the wights aren't cannabalistic, because that would make them Hodoreaters.

I don't know. I find it pretty damn easy to NOT be an eccentric comedian.

He should have just explained to the manager that if they didn't stop playing that goddam Celine Dion song he was going to Yah-mo-burn that place to the ground….

The cast would never voluntarily come back to do another movie. Contractual obligations may force the issue, but if you're making a movie where the only reason people are on the set is the threat of a lawsuit, that's probably a good sign the movie shouldn't be made.

My theory is Chuck wakes up in the hospital next week…cured!! It turns out when they did the x-ray on his skull, they discovered a crayon lodged up his nose. The doctor had just never noticed it because when he held the x-ray up to the light, his thumb was always covering the crayon. Classic BCS storyline.

I was legitimately scared FOR the copy shop guy.

Lookwell's greatest gag was that all of his sensibilities are shaped by dated Hollywood stereotypes. His idea of going undercover at the race track is showing up wearing a scarf and racing goggles. His homeless man disguise involves him carrying his belongings in a bundle at the end of a stick. Loved that pilot.

Minor differences between the two: In a ski movie you skinny dip in a Jacuzzi, while in a camp movie you skinny dip in a lake. In a ski movie there are a lot of overt drunken sexcapades, while in a camp movie there are a lot of covert drunken sexcapades. Otherwise, yeah, they are the exact same thing.

I remember traveling through Europe as a kid in the late 70's, and seeing a commercial of a totally nude French women sitting on the floor, putting on perfume. She was positioned strategically so you couldn't exactly see anything except a lot of butt and side boob, but it was still a "holy moly, you can show THIS on

No. This was the episode that was 18 minutes too long. Ideas for this show don't get much thinner than 'Sheldon is annoying to people and needs to apologize."

Good news, everyone! I've invented a moron detection test. Here. Watch this thoroughly subpar episode of "The Big Bang Theory". Did it make you laugh in lots of ways? Did you want to give it a grade higher than an "A"? Oh, great. You passed. Please disregard that dinging bell and the flashing red light that says