Now the Nightmare is Real

This ending immediately brought to mind 2 movies I hadn't seen in well over a decade. First, Lord of War, the ending of which (give or take some ambiguity) is nearly identical to this season's ending. The other movie, which I hadn't seen in nearly a quarter century, and hadn't thought of in nearly as long, was the

I reject your conjecture. The fact that he ATTEMPTED suicide would be enough to warrant the inclusion of the suicide hotline number. In no way does that prove that the attempt succeeded.

Agreed. I think Jimmy rationalized (with some justification, I might add), that at their age, some money now would do those ladies more good than more money later. And once he got to that point, wishful thinking carried him the rest of the way home - isolate Irene, get her to settle, once everyone has the money they

Greatest spin-off ever? Have you forgotten Laverne and Shirley?!?!? Lenny and Squiggy were hilarious.David Lander and whoever that other guy was nailed those roles!

Yeah….it symbolizes that she's not a dude….

Do soldiers returning from war deserve long prison sentences for the people they've killed? How does that killing jibe with your moral compass? Philip and Elizabeth view themselves as soldiers in a secret war. Sure, a lot of civilians have gotten killed along the way, but they are just collateral damage in this

Steven Wright - 'This show sucks….and such small portions'.

Love that Jimmy had the ex-wife fly in. "It's not enough that I tricked you into having your parents killed and then fed them to you, but look, Radiohead flew in just in time to see what a crybaby you are!"

Agreed. Best episode of the series, which is saying something.

Just watched Suicide Squad for the first time this week. It's like DC goes out of their way not to learn lessons from Marvel. GotG is basically the same premise - outlaws band together to do good, yet one is awesome while the other sucks. It's pretty telling that a Marvel property with a raccoon and a tree that talks

This sounds like a job for Dayman!! I suspect he will be able to bring friendship for everyone, what with his mastery of karate and all.

I preferred "Unbreakable" far more than "The Incredibles". The Incredibles was great, but I found their powers too derivative. They were already treading in Fantastic Four waters, so giving half the team the EXACT same powers didn't really help the cause.

Avatar: TLA didn't end because it lost popularity. It ended because it was planned as a 3 season arc from the get go. Korra was also great but suffered from mismanagement by Nick execs from Day 1.

Avatar is the Silly Bandz of the cinema. But I suspect its sequels box office will mirror Fate of the Furious - dwindling domestic returns, but a billion+ international receipts.

We're in the BBCU, baby! Thus, that sign oozes significance.

Love the show, but I don't think the tape is the strongest plot device. Jimmy would, I think, instantly recognize that if Chuck tried to use the tape against him in any way, all he has to say is, "Oh, that tape? That was just me lying to my Looney toons brother so he wouldn't feel so bad about the client he just

Think the reviewer misread the Chuck/Ernesto scene. Chuck WANTED Ernesto to hear the tape. His bluster wasn't out of fear. He wants Ernesto to tell Jimmy about the tape. His smug smile when Ernesto leaves to put away the groceries gives the game away.

Agreed. The episode where he joined Negan was about the only interesting episode of the entire season.

I found your comment far more enjoyable than tonight's episode.

Oh, holy shite, don't get me started on "the battle". What a hot mess. Horrible, horrible direction. Luckily for our heroes, they were able to repeatedly just turn around and shoot the Saviors who had run up 5 feet behind them without firing their guns for some reason.