
I thought it was cool how we got a significant meeting between characters with more intricate plot lines in this episode as opposed to the random losties popping up to be fodder to the fans. I don't mind the flash sideways, but I viewed this flash sideways as more purposeful (?) and hinting at a more intricate

Locke said "hello Sayid" before sayid stabbed him. It may have been some sort of knife infused with dogen's power. His power appears to be the ability to repel/harm(?) smokey. This is supported by the fact that right after Dogen was killed, Lennon said something to the effect, "you idiot, the monster can get in now."

Little kid
Was that Kid Jacob? Or was it a manifestation from the island itself?

Valenzetti equation
So, I'm not sure if its canon (and I'm leaning towards not), but the whole video about the valenzetti equation may tie this show together after all (with the "each name has a number next to it in the crazy cave" being a huge clue). For those who may not have seen it, there is a video where Hanso

The only time I can remember where we know its broken is when the SOTS people went to "jacob's" cabin and found it was broken. It may have been broken when locke and ben went to jacob's cabin the first time (season 3?) where locke hear's "jacob" say "help me". He notices the ring of ash around the cabin, but I can't

The only thing I think that puts a dent in my previous theory is that I think MIB was the one trapped in "jacob's" cabin (hence the ash around it and the SOTS clan getting freaked out that the ash was broken). Hmmmm….at the same time, I'm fairly confident that MIB was christian shepard. Maybe jacob inhabited the

Someone may have pointed this out but Jin and Sun aren't married in alternatime
According to lostpedia: Neither are wearing wedding bands and the customs officer calls sun "Ms. Paik" when asking her if she speaks english. Wtf?

Haven't waded through all the comments but
I guess this confirms the whole "Tempest" thing in season 4. In the tempest, the story was about someone who manipulated and controlled everyone in order to achieve his goal. Now we know who was controlling everyone this entire time. So, maybe it wasn't fate this entire time.

Just because
I never get to say this, I CALLED IT. (SPOILER: but really, if you haven't seen this episode yet, you shouldn't be on here) I called parallel time lines being used to tell the story. Of course, I have no idea how it will all tie together. Documentation can be found in the pre-season 6 blog where Nathan

Didn't read all the posts, but I have to finally hypothesize about LOST again (sweet!). I think, if they worked it into the story well (which I think they could do), they might try "parallel" flashes. Instead of flashbacks or flash forwards, maybe they'll show two timelines, like one where they are in present

Cause its totally all or nothing. I mean, what's this whole "two tiered" free speech thing (commercial and political)? I mean, corporations can already register and vote under their incorporated name, and they are allowed to organize political rallies and are counted in the census. Further, they can also hold office

Too famous
You guys are getting too big and successful due to your high quality entertainment value and, as such, are no longer cool.

Didn't read all comments but…
anybody mention THE FUNK BROTHERS. I would say that since the same group of musicians wrote EVERY motown song (and motown is america…hell, the beatles covered motown hits all the time) they should qualify. Pretty much every motown song was written by them (with some smokey robinson thrown

because redbox puts out a cheaper product, other sellers from the same producers don't like it and pressure the producers to pull their support for redbox instead of lowering their prices to compete? Sounds like freemarket to me!

I got tricked
I thought this was going to be an article about Henry Ian Cusick being sued for feeling up a chick on the set of LOST.

Yes, ridiculously heartwrenching and ridiculously agonizing!

I think smoke monster is different from not-locke because locke seemed surprised when ben told him of his alex vision.

Just in case
Ille qui nos omnes servabit - "He who will protect/save us all."

real quick
Juliet at the bottom of the pit trying to blow up the bomb was ridiculous.

I'm going to see star trek, terminator (if only to see if Bale's performance lived up to his whole "what don't you FUCKING understand" rant) and probably transformers if only to stare at megan fox for 2 hours on a big screen. How long till she's in a sex tape? I give it 5 years. Bets?