
I'm kind of excited to see the Fox News report where they talk about hollywood elitists brainwashing our children with visions of "ideal utopias".
They need some "Q" up in the movie. He was always awesome.

Mythbusters did one with a gas tank on a car, and it didn't work. They even shot it with tracer rounds (phosphorous tips which allow you to "see" the bullet). It did start it on fire after the 20th shot…I guess if the tank wasn't full of holes at that point, the fire in the tank would increase the pressure and it

The Constant! nice call. That was definitely the best episode of LOST to date, though I hear next week's is going to be fucking amazing (not from any outside source, just based upon who the main characters for next weeks episode).

Yeah, there are definitely plenty of scenes in that movie (obviously), but the ending is just the one time I can't hold it back…the lead up just destroys any control you have and the ending just pushes you over to uncontrollable tears.

This is totally obvious and trite and calculated as fuck
But the end of "Schindler's list" ALWAYS gets me. To make it even more heart wrenching, they go to the scene where all the real people he saved go to his grave…damn that Spielbergo!

That was definitely a sad scene. Suicide scenes are generally pretty depressing. I will say that the suicide scene in "the Rules of Attraction" was probably the most ridiculously sad suicide scene I have ever seen. I can't hear that song (can't live if living is without you) in the supermarket without tearing up

sure, I don't really know what the actual language is so I called it phillipino. Ignorant I know.

The Ewoks language is philipino. My friend speaks phillipino and he can understand what they say (basic things like, run and stuff).

nice! I remember reading a star wars comic from the perspective of a storm trooper on Endor before the whole clusterfuck of return of the jedi. Those Ewoks were actually BRUTAL to those storm troopers. They used guerilla tactics and psychological warfare e.g. they would beat drums all day and night, make noises

Lost: The college years.

Kate was a bank robbing con artist for awhile there…you'd think she could lie well enough that a drunk roger linus wouldn't suspect her of anything.

I said a hearty "pwned" when Sawyer knocked that weasley dickweed out.

Though some of the youtube videos aren't canon, the whole "valenzetti equation" video pretty much answers what the numbers are. Putting it on the hatch door might be a way to signal other DHARMA peeps that this experiment (the swan) is about trying to change those numbers.

But how does it all make sense with why miles asks BEN for the 3.2 million and says something to the effect of "don't treat me like I'm one of them, I know who you are and what you can do". I think they are related to Ben somehow…but then again, does Ben know the "what lies in the shadow of the statue" line? Illana

its ILLUSIONS. Tricks are something whores do for money…or cocaine!

Why do they call it ovaltine? The cups are round that you drink it out of. It should be called roundtine.

I thought that was jungle acid that locke put on his head.

However, it makes sense in the context of Ben getting caught in Rousseau's trap. She says, very confidentally, that he's an other and the will lie. I know they didn't intend to have emerson on after that (it was the first time he showed up), but it kinda fits…though if I was danielle I'd probably be screaming about

I thought she knew Ben stole the baby. Although, she did say she saw smoke coming from the beach and then the other's came and took the baby. I guess I always assumed she was there and saw them take the baby. It was always kind of vague I think.

I think those ARE xtian's shoes! Good call.