
I thought there was an episode where the Doctor asks River who taught her how to fly the TARDIS and she said he did. He says something like "no I didn't" and she says "not yet." But, what you say sounds right too…internet, please work on this.

Exactly. Also, it was a good way to explain why River couldn't simply regenerate after she hooked her brain up to the giant computer in the end of "silence in the library" (can't remember the name of the second part). Well, actually, now that I think about it I think she said it would burn out both a time lord's

Yeah, I think Rose and Martha got their "happy" endings (Isn't Martha married to Mickey i.e. the last movie ep with tennant has him saving their lives from a Sontaran?). You know, Donna got screwed but I wouldn't change it simply because I always WANT movies/t.v. shows to not have the "happy hollywood style fairy

"Donut? What's a Donut?" "Ah! Ahhh! AHHHHHHH!" "Oh look, it's raining again."

It's okay with me as long as he keeps saying things like "after a steamy 12 way deliberation, we have reached a verdict."(or something like that…I got lost in hedonism-bots awesomeness after the whole "steamy 12 way deliberation" line).

@the flailing stick: AGREED!


RE: Isomorphic controls

Trademarks are generally things associated with a product. I don't think Ringo himself is a "product" for sale. The point of a trademark is to inform the consumer about the quality of the good they are buying and where it comes from (in a sense). Ringo himself is not necessarily a product. Further, his rights in

Troy McClure or Lionel Hutz. I could stare at an original drawing of their smiling, smug faces all day!

Banmar, it's not nice to compare these people to cunts. Cunts are at least warm and have some depth…

I thought widmore wasn't allowed to go back to the island in the first place because he left (doesn't ben ask how widmore was able to get back?). Widmore explains jacob brought him back via conversations. Perhaps jacob tricked widmore into coming back so he would bring desmond, and since the island was done with him,

No because Obama is a Muslim.

They're really gonna be pissed when they find 72 figs waiting for them. Although, I guess it boils everything down to the universal question, "72 girls that don't know what to do with a penis or 72 delicious figs?" I suppose you can eat both…

its definitely a minor point. I think this is why Darlton has repeatedly said something to the effect of "we aren't going to tell you exactly what the island/smoke monster is because it becomes a "mitichlorian" kind of thing which takes away the mystery." I'm not expecting a huge reveal that will answer every

It seems the "killing locke" theory is based on the proximity in time of Unlocke pushing desmond down the well. However, according to Ben, Desmond had been at the school for awhile which seems to show that he was there before unlocke pushed desmond down the well. As such, it seems more likely that he was trying to

Can't have it both ways
The problem with LOST is they can't "show not tell" the big mysteries. If they do, then wild speculation ensues (was michael appearing to hurley really the smoke monster? Or was it the Island? Or was it that little kid?). Don't get me wrong, I love reading and spouting crazy ass theories, but

The CBO showed the public option was the most cost efficient system. So if you're concerned about debt, you should have been for the public option.


Repeal anti-trust exemptions for insurance companies. It isn't capitalism when BCBS services 90% of a state's insurance needs and can, therefore, charge whatever they want or bully others out of the market without adverse consequences.