
Yeah, that's going to be awesome!

The lostpedia translations have some weird stuff in them…I think it might be a combination. In the translations, sometimes there are people giving directions or arguing about talking, other times it is things like "dying sucks" or "see you soon sis".

yes! my bet is the finale or close to it.

I always think of it as the island has it's own life force (jacob) and the smoke monster is like st. peter or haydes. Radzinsky called it cerberus who was a guard in the underworld, so I'm thinking it isn't necessarily evil, but a judger of men protecting the island in a sense…or maybe it reinforces the "moral

Miles ep is going to be tits. Hopefully we'll find out about the 3.2 million dollars in his backstory.

My vote is post-alive island power knowledge. I think that's why Ben says, "how do you know? Does it just come to you?"


Yeah, that was pretty awesome. I wonder what Illana meant when she asked lapidus "what is in the shadow of the statute"? When we saw it in season 2, I don't remember seeing anything in it's shadow. Maybe she does know something about the island…I thought they may have seen the statute from the beach of the other

Babies and Island daddies
So, my friend brought this up, but maybe the reason why people can't have babies on the island is BECAUSE Ben was supposed to kill Alex, but never did. Maybe widmore knew this and had to have a baby off the island with whomever. Maybe now that Alex is dead (destiny fulfilled?) they can have

I dunno, if they have a day in the life or strawberry fields, you're gonna have a helluva time getting some of those quick fills.

The Beatles WANTED ringo because he was the best drummer in liverpool. Seriously people, "A day in the life" says it all. He used the drums as an instrument far different than what it was used for i.e. just keep hit the snare on the 2nd and 4th beat.

Yeah, I don't really know what to make of it. I'm willing to give seth rogen the benefit of the doubt until I learn more about what's going on in the movie.

Though I haven't seen either of the movies you are talking about, my gut instinct tells me that most premises are stale, but what makes one crap and the other awesome is the way in which that premise is presented. Paul Blart: funny looking fat guy on a segway which, from the previews, looked more like "crazy

no it didn't schoolhouse and, quite frankly, I'm disappointed with the low caliber sexism in your post. Don't even get me STARTED on the mediocre job you did at diminishing the interview and the reduction of her persona into nothing more than an object.

I was going to say Luck of the Fryish because that gets me every time they cut back to Yancy and he names the baby Phillip. It brings home the point that everyone fry knew was dead, but it also makes you think of all those people he left behind that missed him and never saw him again without knowing what happened.

and the cycle continues…

Seriously, shouldn't we be having a high brow discussion filled with statistics about domestic abuse, societies implicit condoning of it and the greater effects of socialization on the genders? Not to mention the many hormonal/biological factors that could play key roles in furthering this violence?

I thought Ben and Locke, when they turned the wheel, were sent into the future. Remember, Ben turns the wheel, checks into a hotel and sees Sayid at Nadia's funeral on t.v.

There is a difference between the energy in the hatch and the energy in the Orchid. The energy in the hatch, according to Faraday, the hatch is electromagnetic energy (the constant: "has desmond been subjected to electromagnetic energy? also see: eloise the guinea pig) whereas, according to Chang, the Orchid energy is

Yeah, but I think when he gassed his dad, his dad forgot his birthday AGAIN (what, for 30 years in a row or something?). I think he may be a "better" parent, but I think he's still going to be an asshole to him.