
Charles thinks you shouldn't do this richard. Shut up charles, you're not in charge. Charles doesn't like it when you tell charles to shut up and charles is in charge. Nuh-uh, I don't have to listen to you charles. Fine, Charles is going to go drink some whiskey. Alright, see you later Charles.

Aren't we inevitably paying for our own bills by the increases in taxes for cigarettes? I mean, isn't the tax increase on cigs so they can pay for S-chip. So really, smokers are paying for the health insurance of little kids who can't (or whose parents won't) get insurance. Seeing as I don't have kids and make the

I'm not too sure…maybe there is a war because Dharma still thinks the hostiles were involved in breaking out Sayid. Something is related to Jughead, or the hostiles release some orchid energy or something. Button needs to be pushed as a result. Fill in the gaps, but that could be the overall story for it.

I gotcha. Yeah, the difference in opinion was definitely expressed by Richard tonight when he took Ben, "Charles and Ellie won't like this", "So, I don't follow their orders". Since Ben was the one who kicked Charles off the island, and Richard was alive, it'd be reasonable to assume the leader Ben was referring to

What I mean is, maybe it is the catalyst for the incident to occur.

I think about it like you have an option between two doors, you know going through one door will kill you and the other will not, but you also know you are going to die when you walk through the door. You have a choice of doors but you really don't because the door you pick to walk through is the one that will kill

There was a doctor on the island when Ethan was born, what happened to him? I assume he just went back to the mainland on the sub or something because it was 3 years ago. She may have techniques from 30 years in the future, but I don't think she can really reveal that because either a) DHARMA would think she is an

Sensei: When Locke had sawyer kill his father (or when Locke was supposed to do it) Ben was the leader at that point making him do it. To clarify, perhaps it is a step to becoming leader, but doing the act doesn't automatically make you the leader at that exact moment. In 20(?) days after Locke "killed" his dad, he

@Shredder: That's true, but next weeks teaser seems to show an awful lot of his back story and how he got all battered and bruised. I don't think from a series/story/popularity stand point that he is going to be killed, but they are sure making it set up to look that way…of course, Darlton loves the misdirect, and all

I thought so, it was the "yesterday" thing that got me…I really should have looked at the time it was posted. That was a good one! lol. My embarrassment for falling for it is mitigated by the absolute relief I feel at this moment.

@the shredder: What I meant was, they HAVE foresight for adam and eve (they have said the reveal of who adam and eve are will show the fans that they knew what they were doing all along). I worded it weirdly. It should have read, Besides the foresight for adam and eve, this shows they really…

That would be sweet…how about, "welcome to the land of the dead".

That would be awesome noel and it would make sense that lost would do something like that.

Oh yes! Alex! Next episode is going to be uber-tits. I'm seriously you guys!

I thought it was an April fools joke, but the article, I believe, said it was a press release quietly released yesterday (march 31) so…I dunno.

Maybe Ben getting shot was the incident?

It seemed like they were setting that up all season and really hammering it home tonight i.e. the theme of Kate's "motherly" instinct to protect kids.

Yeah, they made a pretty big point in the begining that Ben won't die and the timeline can be altered but not changed. While watching the Hurley-Miles scene I was wondering if Darlton scours fan theory sites and incorporates them via hurley. However, if what you say is true, that is absolutely fucking brilliant of

It seems like Juliet suggesting the others meant that she knew something like that might happen (I mean all the others were in the temple last season for protection). Further, Widmore states that Ben stole the island from him and Richard seems to recognize that Ben will be the leader (hence him telling him in "the man