
You know, I think it'd be great if Locke would have pretended to be dead and make Ben think he is dead. "Welcome to Hell Ben, thanks for killing me, now I get to strangle and re-strangle you for eternity".

I thought it was pretty well established that Eloise was Faraday's mother (Desmond outside of her building: "Are you guys here to see faraday too?") So, I'm going with the half siblings theory.

That's what I'm thinking wookie. I posted this last week, but it is totally T3. Events are going to happen in a certain order, but WHEN they happen can change.

It may have also been kinda like fear knowing that Locke was dead and the island resurrected him so he may have island powers too…

I liked it
I thought this episode was pretty good. Not "A" good, but pretty good. Lily did a pretty good job (or at least comparatively better than some other Kate episodes). It really did tie a nice bow around some of the character arcs.

now THAT'S a pan sauce!

So this guy robs a sperm bank…

You need more citric acid in your diet! I'd still buy it for a dollar though…

Man mayo?

R.Kelly's doo doo butter?

lol: Ham water and boss sauce….that's getting added to the slang vocabulary that I must bust out today…regardless of what the conversation is. "my computer's broken", "That's cool, just needs some boss sauce"

Semen: Now with yellow dye number 5 and high fructose corn syrup! Of course, you can't forget the ascorbic acid and phenylallenine…delcious!

will there be a smoke monster in star trek 2?

I think you're right about that in terms of story arc. One could argue that they used it merely as a plot device to show the history of the island and flesh out the back story. I mean, they were in the present, they shifted around (giving us cool info) and now they are stuck. Of course, your idea makes sense, but it

Lights up a cigarette
So, can I smoke in here? Or are you gonna be a dick about it?

Fucking Fascist!

B-sharps episode:

Yes! I wanna know what they fucking learned about the others and see some agent/double agent action!

I thought the general reason was because everyone on the island was in danger.

Yeah, wasn't that one "station" the talies were in (where they found the glasses and the other half of the "swan" film) explained as a "reconaissance" station to "study" the others?