
Patrick Duffy keeps getting res-erected.

Exactly. However, I would stipulate this course correction doesn't adhere to certain fixed points in time (i.e. the purge had to happen in the 80's or the incident had to happen…whenever…even the fact taht 815 had to crash in 2004!) but merely fixed events, the chronology of which is also fixed (so, the incident has

He did come up with the bad ass season 3 plan to blow up the others, disable the radio signal, and get the satellite phone to call for help.

I think time just shifted a la Terminator 3 (yes, yes I know, but hear me out!). If you've seen it, John Conner was supposed to meet the chick whose dad designed sky net, and if he had the apocalypse would have happened in 1999 (or whenever). However, the day before, a time traveler (arnold) interfered and it shifted

Remember when Miles was in Ghostbuster mode at the old ladies house in season 4 (?) and the picture frames going up the staircase changed? He went up to bust some ghosts and the frames were brown, and when he came back down the stairs the frames were silver. Same thing maybe?

In via domus *SPOILER FOR LOST VIDEO GAME* the ending is the beginning except the chick the main character loves is on the island (or plane) or something. So there was a slight change in the time stream and it repeated itself.

That's heavy…

Vincent's dad totally fucked that bitch!

I don't disagree with the solid plan aspect, and I think Jack has had his great moments, I just think they have two different styles. Different things are important to both of them and it manifests itself in their leadership style.

yes…unless his parents make out.

It seems, philosophically, that Jack takes the approach of a more kantian style while Sawyer is more utilitarian. Jack tries not to believe in the "greater good" and that every one is "sacred". Every person deserves help and damn the consequences. We should not use a person as a means to an end (like get sayid out of

Ah…I was hoping I was right because that would be all kinds of awesome…I like both the songs though so that's something…

I thought Desmond was "special" anyways…

It would be VERY un-lost like…though they had an episode deus ex machina, they've never really pulled it out as a plot device…so far as I can remember anyway…

I was thinking that too…Ben just wanted to get away from his shit ass father and live with the hostiles in peace (I don't think he had ambitions of being the leader etc.). Then, another person he absolutely trusted shot him and he almost died. In staying within the parameters of the show (and faraday's assessment that

I would guess the CIA, since that is how they used to torture people back in the day. Seriously, if you're on acid and people are fucking with you (you're going to die! You are dying! You're hand is a waffle!) that shit can get fucking scary.

Remember in season 1 (I think) when sayid and hurley were trying to get the walkie talkie to work and a song came on? Sayid says, "it may just be radio waves from the atmosphere" or something. Was that the same song being played outside Oldham's tent? Is that signal trapped forever in the "island time bubble"?

Ben Folds
Is awesome.

Posted this but
it was buried in the comments and it's a decent idea. What if the incident was a present lostie colliding (by accident) with a past lostie causing a rip (or the reprecussions that chang stated in the Orchid video) thereby necessitating pushing the button in the hatch?

Maybe the incident was a present lostie colliding with their previous self and creating a temporal rift that neccesitated pushing the button?