
Obligatory comment
she's hot and I'd do her.

Ben's dad, like Jack, is a "workman". Jack may meet Ben's dad (hello, my name is Roger Linus…I have a kid named ben who killed his mom!) and then meet Ben after that.

upon a 5th viewing, I can kinda hear the "la". it sounds like "la" *static* "leur" and the f is barely audible before and after the static. I dunno…maybe I'm just convincing myself now!

the "la" is cut off by static and all i can hear is "uer" what are you doing? So….maybe?

I think it makes sense that an island kid could be a surgeon by age 26. Before med schools and Law schools, people learned the trade much like an apprentice. If you are getting one on one training by a doctor in medicine since you were 15, you could be a full fledged surgeon at 26 too. My dad is from India and he was

I'd say they are in completely different situations. Coming to an island where crazy shit you can't explain is happening v. knowing what is going to happen for 30 years…similar to Ben always being calm and thinking because he has more information than everyone else and can deal with the situation.

Taxman solo is pretty rockin (even though Paul did it). The hard part about their solos is the rhythm that George uses. His phrasing is always kinda rhythmically weird, but that's why I love it!

I'm casting a vote for "hurt feelings". Catchy chorus and hilarious lyrics…has your family ever forgotten you and driven away? And once again, they forgot about J.

I'm going with DR. PIERRE CHANG. He's the only character who consistently says "namaste", so that must mean something, right? Namaste is associated with the DI at the least, so it has to be a back story about the DI and dr. Chang would be a great way to tell that story.

Yeah, he did in Season 4 I think. I remember hurley about to say his name and Sayid quickly said "Jeremy Bentham" or something.

Is that the purge, or is there a different purge (the incident?). When ben gassed his dad, it was on his birthday, but I don't know if that is THE "purge". Maybe it is the purge and the incident is what Whitmore did?

I gotta say, Emerson as the riddler would be AWESOME. His voice even sounds like the riddler on the animated series (my favorite being where the riddler traps batman and robin in a virtual reality world…totally a prequel to the matrix). I think that's the one with the crazy greek maze and flying hand or something too.

I was saying booooooobby jindal….

The funny thing is, he is asking for 5 or 6 billion dollars for gulf coast reconstruction, and the legislature has the power to override him when it comes to accepting that 5%. So, what's basically going to happen is, he'll turn it down, the legislature will override him and take the money, and then he can say that he

I just blue myself

Isn't a reverend supposed to say that?

maybe said (other arab guy) will be the one shooting at Sawyer in the canoe when they are in the future.

THAT IS AWESOME! I'm right behind you Karalotz! Lets fuck with some Fundies!

Fireproof II: Scorched Earth III

Seamen on the poop deck!