
I'd like to glue together salt n' peppa and push it. Push it real good…

Fish Bulb!

we want, I know you have an icon of jack from the "we have to go back" scene, but every time I see that icon I think of the oxyclean guy. As a matter of fact, while I was skimming down posts it would catch my eye and I was like, "who the hell has an icon of the oxyclean guy?" Upon closer inspection I realized it was

Dying sucks. Its kinda weird that we read a case in contracts about the ronnettes suing phil spector for using their songs in different mediums without their permission. Unfortunately, in the music business you get a standard form contract where you relinquish all rights to your music except for royalties so they

I agree, they best way to learn a language is to be immersed in it, listening to it morning noon and night. It helps when you have translators.

why cant the O(X) come back to the island when it is in a different period of time? If the island (surrounded by its own space time bubble) is popping up at different points in space in modern time, than the O(x) could land on the island while it was in its own different time period. To think that current island time

Adam and Eve, I believe, are only like 40 years old according to Jack in Season 1

To clarify, I know Jin didn't really set fire to the raft…

I love it when you watch that type of reunion and then season 1 where Sawyer wants to beat the crap out of Jin for setting fire to the raft. Its real cool to think back and see how well the writers have really developed and changed these relationships so they are believable now.

I think the sickness was the smoke monster infecting Danielle's crew.

Why did he ask for lists and for the identities of everyone on the plane so he could look them up at the flame station?

You're all socialists and commies! This is AMERICA and if a god damn corporation wants to fuck you in the ass, then you bend over, let uncle sam tape it, and smile for the fucking camera!

They better be careful, don't want to exacerbate the jungle fever.

In via domus, even though it isn't canon, they show you what's behind the wall and it is two giant, suspended electromagnets. There isn't any reason why the H-bomb couldn't be there too, and I know its not canon, but it seems like a more likely explanation that it is just the magnets. Maybe the bomb goes off on the

They have set us up the bomb! All your base are belong to us!

I totally noticed that when I rewatched it! The writers probably didn't want to give away who it was, since LOST likes to do that at the beginning of episodes. Seeing a bunch of thick, gray chest hair close up probably wouldn't have been that awesome…

There's no way were getting the fry effect with charles widmore being his own grandfather. I don't think the kid will end up coming back with Desmond…

I agree with fish bulb..

I just thought the losties moved through time when the island moved through time. When you move through space, don't you move through time? I thought they were related.

yeah, that's the first thing I thought of when that happened!