The Romantic Egotist

Yes. So many plot lines. At one point I couldn't remember how Thanos was involved in the whole thing with the Builders, and I guess he really wasn't; those were two events that happened to coincide (but didn't really touch each other in a significant way). I am loving Now!, but they should have told those stories

People get touchy when you throw around the word "holocaust," but the New 52 completely destroyed complex, nuanced(ish) characters and relationships that were established over decades of continuity so that they could be "re-imagined" in fast forward in unimaginative, hacky ways.  Just train wreck after train wreck.

I have enjoyed this run for the most part, but the "Night" of the Owls has been dragging on for about six months now.  Expanding this into a crossover event was a bit of an overreach; the spooky, psychedelic tinge of the first half of the series got lost in a generic "wave of ninjas" storyline that didn't need to drag

I have enjoyed this run for the most part, but the "Night" of the Owls has been dragging on for about six months now.  Expanding this into a crossover event was a bit of an overreach; the spooky, psychedelic tinge of the first half of the series got lost in a generic "wave of ninjas" storyline that didn't need to drag

What. a. pretentious. fuckbag.

Absolutely.  The monologues are shit.  Then he gets pissy when the studio audience isn't eating out of his hand by the end of it.  I skip everything but the panel discussions, which are usually great.

Student of the game, gym rat, fundamentals, heart, scrapper, huckleberry hound

Duvall: least attractive leading lady off all time?

May zombie Jim Henson put his fist up your ass

Is anyone else impressed with the Tomax shtick? High level of difficulty.

You commies have a problem with people making money? Amazon is WalMart; they work on low prices and volume. It's a clearinghouse. Apple uses attractive products to drive media sales. The conceit here is that Apple can't be about the bottom-line because they put Feist in the commercials. When did Apple claim to have

People should be paid when their life story is turned into a profitable narrative. It depends on how much Boal lifted; as they say, that's for the court to decide.

Whoa. There's no point I can't break. Whoa.

I call her Red. Red, Red, Red.

I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation

Prostrate cancer really brings you to your knees…

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?!"

Irony is when the actual meaning is opposite of the literal meaning. Asshole.

The Melora Walters/"Wanda" Playbook:

Thank you! In what universe does it take more than 30 seconds to gun down six people?! Or, say, divide the labor: you take Hollis and his (impossibly severed in one hack by an elderly woman with a dull machete) arm to the hospital, the rest of you gun down six people and dig their shallow graves. If the Greens are