The Romantic Egotist

Don't one of you little niggas have sickle cell or something?

I want jeans with a variety of simulated stains, so that I can spill shit and mop up with impunity…"Spaghetti Sauce", "Cream Filling/Semen", and "Gravy"

The Deacon of Leakin'

I wonder how much of the lament over the demise of "music television" is pure nostalgia…I look back fondly on the Tool and Pearl Jam videos of my youth, but I was pretty stupid when I was thirteen…it's unlikely I would sit still for an afternoon of videos at this stage…and isn't the point of music that it doesn't need

That is the Catch-22 of notoriously burned/maimed penises that John Bobbitt encountered in the 90s…the ladies will want to get to know you, will you be able to get to know them??

It's totally worth roasting your dick if it means some broad on the internet knows your name

Sandler/Ferrell…it is written

Jesus, calm down. If you think it's ridiculous, don't buy it. I don't come to where you work and piss on your boring "business machines." It's a fucking lifestyle toy, and I bet it will do some cool shit when your whole house is networked.

Caligula: You call that a rapestick?

You know, purses: they're like a vagina for your stuff

Bleaux me. It's just first in line to be Manning's dick koozie

Purple Rain? He did wear a lot of purple and yellow sgt. pepper coats in the 90s. I would have figured him for polo. Bisexual polo.

Here comes the broad brush: ArchCons generally need constant reaffirmation because a lot of the policy breaks down under intense scrutiny. Hit the talking points, hit 'em again, bangbangbang until it's a hall of mirror logic reflecting upon itself into infinity. Sports talk has a similar rhythm.

Harper's? Those bastards…it looks like a great year for books: DeLillo and McEwan in the spring, for starters. I'm interested to read this and see what the unavoidable comparison with White Noise is.

I just wanted to put a quarter in the Outrage slots and see what came up. Do I have regrets? Eh.

If I had to choose 1D in which to view this movie
it would be the girth