Colin Alexander

I'm not sure what or where it is in the writing of the show but I've always been left with the impression that if the two could sweep the (current) president under the carpet they'd make an unstoppable team, not unlike this apparent accord between Liz and Abbey. It would be great if they explored that as opposed to an

FAN SERVICE. That's the word I was circling in on. It's fan service. Also fan fiction, in terms of quality. It was what you say it was in the beginning, an interesting observation on power, sex, emotion and politics but only when the relationship was a facet of Olivia's being and not the whole shebang. That ship, as



They need to murder the president. The show only chooses to revolve around that romance but it doesn't need to and probably hasn't needed to since season 3.

I thought the Wuntch pat downs (and the dynamic between she and the captain) were hilarious but I am a straight up horrible person. I mean, just terrible.

I know you know I know you want to know, you know?

"Who's gonna play the offspring of the Sanderson Sisters?", Is what every sassy gay son wants to know.

Phong you wise bastard!

"What a great story."


B+ For yet more delicious Bassett Brows.

Queenie switching sides was interesting too as she's spent the entire season alienating herself from the others. None of the younger characters have expressed any kind of race related prejudice (Madison's been a nightmare to everyone in general which is the best kind of hate) and only LaLaurie of the elders has been

Is this season trying to say something? It's pulp, revelling in reanimated tropes and ever present world issues. What it's said about race so far, I suppose, is that divide in society is forever. Divided by colour, time, morals, wealth, sex, what kind of 'magic' you are. Sides.

Jessica Chaffin, who plays Bertle, is amazing on the Ronna and Beverly podcast. I feel like she'll do good work here.

Man of Steel: Marry The Knight.

I remember reading about a haunted hotel in New Orleans that used to be a theatre. A bunch of actors and actresses apparently met an untimely end.

But does it mix the bourgeoisie and the rebel?

It's a little bright in here.

I agree there isn't as deep a connection to the characters, it's a lot pulpier this year and besides that the previous stories where about reali(ish) people with real problems within paranormal surroundings whereas Coven is straight up fantasy. It really is a different kind of show this year and so far this is the