
No Running on Empty? Really? Really?!

Very true.

The first thought I had after reading this article: "He's probably going to die onstage." Does that make me a bad person? I feel like that question should have its own thread on Reddit somewhere. I'll show myself out.

I feel like there needs to be a Jeopardy forum on the AVClub for all of us after it's over. I'm more intimidated by the vast number of people on this website who have tried to take the best and successfully gotten on the show than the test itself.

A little off topic here, but as someone who recently discovered Arrested Development's first album, I feel compelled to say: Whoa! On this record, these guys say more about what it means to be a human being in two lines than most rappers do in three albums.
Mr. Wendal may not be the most realistic portrayal of

Holy crap, Outbreak was a terrifying, terrifying movie that we watched in anatomy senior year. When Rene Russo got infected 3/4ths of the way through the movie I remembered thinking, "She's survived so much - she can't die now!"

Haha, nice to know someone had a similar experience. At least we got to sit at desks. The length factor has likely also scared me from re-watching it as an adult. However, since then I've watched lengthy, weightier movies such as The Last Emperor and Amadeus with people who were interested in the subject matter,

…"when one hears "all-boys Christian Brothers school", sodomy and beatings come to mind."

I liked this one. How come you didn't?

Chalk it up to ominously early pre-onset Alzheimers, but I don't remember any of the movies watched in elementary school prior to sixth grade. In fifth grade we had a teacher who liked to turn on the television to Unsolved Mysteries during lunch. She got fired two months into the school year, and when the new

These teachers sound like cool dudes.

Oh man, this is a great Q&A. The first movie that comes to mind for me was Gandhi, which we watched in sixth grade. Much of the power of it was probably totally lost on my eleven-year-old self at the time, and its 3 hour length has deterred me from watching it since (and it's not the type of 3 hour film you'd

Hey. You guys are going to continue reviewing Friends, right? I mean, the second season of was rated as one of the best seasons of television of all time by TV Guide! You can't bail now!

Hahaha, duly so, yes.

You're so cool being born prior to 1980, man. I'm going to go buy a shag rug from the swap meet that was actually used by hippies as they smoked weed while listening to the first Boston album so I can properly prostrate myself before you in my unworthiness.

That sounds like it could be pretty funny. Hopefully it's available on Netflix. I'd love to able to see a comedy like that and have it done well, you know? Because then it's just cringeworthy and not funny. I have my doubts MTV could pull something like that off, but if they have, that's great.

Class Veep I'd watch, but something tells me it's already been done with Election. Although I don't think Tracy Flick would have settled for Vice President.

A few years ago, MTV was the ultimate example of television sellout to me. After growing up with shows like Daria, TRL, and episodes of True Life that actually showed slices of life that were real and heartbreaking (as opposed to going straight and solely for entertainment value) I couldn't stand its image in light

Holy crap! MTV is getting into incredibly serious programming! Not that this is a bad thing, but are they trying to become the HBO for the teen/college market?

Um…is there a reason why you're not…getting started on that? Like, right now?