
Yeah, Nick's attraction to Jess's mom just added more hilarity/weirdness to the mix (I laughed pretty hard when Jess ordered him to lay down some sweet game on her mother).

Well, entirely believable in an ol' Freudian way, but it's still kind of weird to see them acting THAT much alike, especially since we all know Nick and Jess are going to wind up as a couple. It's kind of expected, but also sort of awkward when it's that blatant.

Well, entirely believable in an ol' Freudian way, but it's still kind of weird to see them acting THAT much alike, especially since we all know Nick and Jess are going to wind up as a couple. It's kind of expected, but also sort of awkward when it's that blatant.

That cold-open was awesome, particularly the delayed punch-line with Kate finally thinking Keith is cute, only to have Ben warn her that the turkey will peck her face. Genius!

That cold-open was awesome, particularly the delayed punch-line with Kate finally thinking Keith is cute, only to have Ben warn her that the turkey will peck her face. Genius!

I'm really a sucker for flashbacks of Jess & Cece as kids. They're really adorable.

I'm really a sucker for flashbacks of Jess & Cece as kids. They're really adorable.

The Vanilla Sky lines killed me, especially with the implication that people in Alex's life constantly use it as for their behavior.

The Vanilla Sky lines killed me, especially with the implication that people in Alex's life constantly use it as for their behavior.

The only thing that saved this episode for me was the stuff involving the differences between Marshall and Ted's stamps-of-approval. I enjoyed that they called out Marshall for sincerely approving everything, and instead of doing their regular "Marshall's lack of cynicism is what we should ALL strive for" moral at the

The only thing that saved this episode for me was the stuff involving the differences between Marshall and Ted's stamps-of-approval. I enjoyed that they called out Marshall for sincerely approving everything, and instead of doing their regular "Marshall's lack of cynicism is what we should ALL strive for" moral at the

Ha! So true. I believe that's what actors call "range".

Ha! So true. I believe that's what actors call "range".

"It’s that the way their feelings slip out, and the way they try to let
each other off the hook, is so perfectly framed. The moments that have
the highest stakes on this show are not the moments that get the big
buildup. They’re the accidental moments of honesty that break the flow
of these folks’ friendship, that

"It’s that the way their feelings slip out, and the way they try to let
each other off the hook, is so perfectly framed. The moments that have
the highest stakes on this show are not the moments that get the big
buildup. They’re the accidental moments of honesty that break the flow
of these folks’ friendship, that

The scene between Dexter and Isaak in the bar might have actually made sitting through the past few uneven and poorly executed seasons worth it. The manner in which Ray Stevenson exudes charisma and depth for what is really a fairly basic and shallow character on paper reminds me a great deal of a character that would

The scene between Dexter and Isaak in the bar might have actually made sitting through the past few uneven and poorly executed seasons worth it. The manner in which Ray Stevenson exudes charisma and depth for what is really a fairly basic and shallow character on paper reminds me a great deal of a character that would

Morgan really saves this show for me. Without him on it, I'm not sure which character could be a dependable source for humor.

Morgan really saves this show for me. Without him on it, I'm not sure which character could be a dependable source for humor.

" … we learned of Hazel’s stalker tendencies and her obsession with
transforming into Liz Lemon. It was an idea that was funny in theory but
poorly executed and resulted in just a few laughs. Aside from that, the
majority of the Hazel-centric storylines have revolved around her
pathological need for attention and her