
Anyone else think that "…trying to go forward versus clinging and clawing backwards" actually means "… I really wanted to keep sleeping with Margot Robbie because Jada is only going to be cool with it for so long"?

Sad. I enjoyed his contributions over the years. Groan … 2016 has been awful.

I'm still holding out hope for surprise cameos from Krysten Ritter and Adam Brody. Neither seems very likely, and Brody likely burnt that bridge when he left, but I can still hope.

After his acceptance speech highlighted how Asian-Americans have kind of been forgotten about within pop-culture until recently (despite their significant population within America), is AV Club playing a very meta-joke on Alan Yang by not including his name alongside his writing-partner (Aziz Ansari) on their list of

Of the two shows, I always thought FNL handled this topic with a slightly more balanced perspective, mostly because it allowed the conversation to occur between two characters acting reasonably. The scene within GG, while well written, loses some of the intended impact due to distraction, mostly because the dynamic

Without a doubt this was one of my favourite sitcoms released that year and I was really disappointed that it was cancelled so abruptly. In fact I might be one of the 5 people on earth to purchase the DVDs when they were released. Part of my loyalty to the show was that I thought Cooper was under-appreciated as an

"They talk loud! They have very specific obsessions!"

Todd's comments about the episode's self-referential nature paying homage to past moments during the series reminded me that that the girl (Emily Arnett??? - IMDB lists the actress as Brandi Burkhardt) that approached Don at the restaurant looked remarkably similar to Caity Lotz, who appeared on the show as Stephanie

I was surprised that Nick won this season, but I honestly didn't think he was a jerk so much as he was unable to handle stress. I actually thought he had every right to be frustrated by Carlos's antics. I just thought he could have handled himself better and avoid throwing so many tantrums. He seemed to be a different

Yeah, I was kind of surprised that D'Angelo would give credit to Mamet for that line based on speculation that he was somehow involved with the script, especially when Sorkin has dropped that line into a bunch of different projects. In fact, Sorkin includes references to Gilbert & Sullivan in everything, even when it

I think it's a very bad sign for my potential enjoyment of this upcoming season that I still find Chris Messina and Sam Waterston to be the most suitable/capable actors on the show, though some of that is a function of the fact that they have the only genuinely engaging characters on the show.

Aside from the fact that I have to make peace with the idea that the HIMYM writers seem resigned to transform Robin into a high-functioning sociopath now that she's with Barney, I actually thought this was one of the season's stronger episodes, which have been increasingly rare. I appreciate when they make Ted start

I'm just glad that someone else immediately thought of Abby Flynn!

The whole "Bogart" = "Mastroianni" verb-translation might have been HIMYM at its most clever. That was actually the highlight of the season so far, at least for me.

Sooooo, they basically just hit the re-set button?

Having Griffin Dune drop by for a guest appearance slightly elevated my perception of this show. This episode would probably have been one of the best in the series so far, but that was a pretty awesome guest spot.


Yeah, same actress - Angela Featherstone

I would totally buy a pint of Night Cheese-cake, but only if it didn't have a picture of Liz eating a block of cheese in her 'jams, because as hilarious as it was on-screen, it would immediately ruin my appetite.

So the jazzhate editor was Chloe from Friends, right? That was certainly an unexpected casting choice.