
How great was it to see Matt Oberg as the Bro Body Douche exec? He was in full-Onion Sports Dome mode, though I guess he was actually channeling the Alex Reiser role. Wish they had found a way to create that character at an earlier stage for 30 Rock.

Completely agree! That might have been the best scene of the season.

OK, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this episode rushed to conclude all its story-lines. It honestly felt like Katims and his crew could have used even one more episode. As much as I enjoyed Romano's Hank character, I never got the sense that his bond with Sarah was all that strong. It really needed a

The Scotch-as-Hand-Lotion and Vodka-as-Light-Flash are the greatest TV moments of the year so far. Pure comedic genius!

The Scotch-as-Hand-Lotion and Vodka-as-Light-Flash are the greatest TV moments of the year so far. Pure comedic genius!

I lost it for about 3 minutes when Damon Wayans Jr. choked on the whey powder. Genius! I had to pause the PVR to make sure I didn't miss anything else.

I thought Vera just gave Ben the "Bobbie Barrett-Forcefully-Seducing-Don-Draper" eyes. It wasn't rocket science. Ben was likely powerless to refuse her aggressive sexual-advances considering he's nowhere near as strong-willed as Draper.

Chloe Grace Moretz is the definition and embodiment of the word "precocious". I usually find her really disturbing/annoying in most of the stuff she does, the exception being her role as Hit-Girl, probably because the point of that character is that she's precocious and disturbing.

I was actually thinking this would be kind of a great twist, especially since they've been devoting so much time towards the idea that the "mother" is Ted's soul-mate, so it would be kind of interesting for him to be speaking to his kids after the couple have been separated/divorced (or were never even married). It

Without any doubt in my mind - this was the best HIMYM episode of the season, and perhaps one of the best they have ever put together. I might be one of only a handful of viewers, but I had lots of issues with the proposal episode, since I'm not sure being emotionally manipulated to such an insane degree is a great

"I'm only eating the skin, so the chicken's up for grabs."

Yes, I assume the writers' room at Happy Ending and 30 Rock are both similar to a very thick pouring liquid, in that their flow of comedic material would be slow and rather messy if done without proper technique and supervision … oh, who am I kidding? Yes, fine, it was a typo.

Angelique Cabral was killing every scene she was in for this episode. That's a character they should bring back every few episodes.

In an episode with many highlights, I lost it when Max uncovered the pizza box underneath his bed sheets and just started to chow down. Just pure comedy gold.

I couldn't watch a single scene of this episode without thinking that this was without a doubt the most Chuck-Lorre-style influenced episode of the show. 

Full props to Savannah Paige Rae's acting ability and commitment to character, because, my lord, is she the most conniving, terrifyingly, accurate spoiled brat on TV. That scene between her and Victor was awful to watch, just because Sydney's behavior was exactly how I would assume an insensitive child would irritate

Same here about the bald-cap. It was just incredibly distracting within each Kristina-Adam scene. It really did look like Kristina's head had grown like 5 sizes, to the point where I started imagining that she had started drinking that elixir that gave Ken Griffey Jr gigantic-ism on baseball episode of The Simpsons.

I would have said "please let this torture end", but who am I kidding - this is totally self-inflicted torture on my part. I should know better than to keep watching this show, especially after I should have already learned my lesson after all those unnecessary seasons of Lost. Damn it Jurieu, you're better than this!

I would have said "please let this torture end", but who am I kidding - this is totally self-inflicted torture on my part. I should know better than to keep watching this show, especially after I should have already learned my lesson after all those unnecessary seasons of Lost. Damn it Jurieu, you're better than this!

P&R's casting department (or whatever agency they're using) is killing it. Fine, fine work.