
" … we learned of Hazel’s stalker tendencies and her obsession with
transforming into Liz Lemon. It was an idea that was funny in theory but
poorly executed and resulted in just a few laughs. Aside from that, the
majority of the Hazel-centric storylines have revolved around her
pathological need for attention and her

After reading this review I can't stop thinking that some Hollywood exec should really have already cast Krysten Ritter and Anne Hathaway as sisters in some comedy. How has this not already happened?

After reading this review I can't stop thinking that some Hollywood exec should really have already cast Krysten Ritter and Anne Hathaway as sisters in some comedy. How has this not already happened?

I actually thought that Phil figured out how the situation between him and Dave became confused as he was walking up the stairs. He appeared to have a moment of realization as he walked past the pictures of his family and ventured upstairs.

I actually thought that Phil figured out how the situation between him and Dave became confused as he was walking up the stairs. He appeared to have a moment of realization as he walked past the pictures of his family and ventured upstairs.

This episode was basically everything that is great about show. It will likely occupy space on my PVR indefinitely just so I can have it around as a go-to for some laughs. Obviously the combo of Brad & Max will almost always work, but I think what really made it "next level" was that the Alex & Dave material was

This episode was basically everything that is great about show. It will likely occupy space on my PVR indefinitely just so I can have it around as a go-to for some laughs. Obviously the combo of Brad & Max will almost always work, but I think what really made it "next level" was that the Alex & Dave material was

Glad I'm not the only one who sensed some resemblance to Steven Soderbergh's visual style and efficient story-telling methods. I'm in complete agreement with Todd on this one - highly entertaining, though with plenty of minor forgivable flaws.

Glad I'm not the only one who sensed some resemblance to Steven Soderbergh's visual style and efficient story-telling methods. I'm in complete agreement with Todd on this one - highly entertaining, though with plenty of minor forgivable flaws.

One of the strengths of this show over the years is that they take tired sitcom cliches and do something novel with them or at least deliver them in an interesting way. I was really disappointed that this episode kind of just recycled a bunch of cliched sitcom plot developments without doing anything particularly

One of the strengths of this show over the years is that they take tired sitcom cliches and do something novel with them or at least deliver them in an interesting way. I was really disappointed that this episode kind of just recycled a bunch of cliched sitcom plot developments without doing anything particularly

Also, completely agreed on each episode figuring out a way to include a scene between Nucky and Esther. They had better chemistry than Billy and The Actor Interloper, which is saying something since Billy cranked that audition out of the park.

Also, completely agreed on each episode figuring out a way to include a scene between Nucky and Esther. They had better chemistry than Billy and The Actor Interloper, which is saying something since Billy cranked that audition out of the park.

That explosion was innnnnn-tense! I can't remember any other explosion executed as well for TV, save for maybe Walter White catching Tuco off guard. Of course, that one was more about surprise, while this one was about the sheer enormity of the blast, which was amazingly rendered.

That explosion was innnnnn-tense! I can't remember any other explosion executed as well for TV, save for maybe Walter White catching Tuco off guard. Of course, that one was more about surprise, while this one was about the sheer enormity of the blast, which was amazingly rendered.

H. Jon Benjamin is too awesome. They have to bring Tabitha/Tabitatha back for multiple episodes, right? I mean, that character/actor is too good to not bring back at least a couple more times this season.

H. Jon Benjamin is too awesome. They have to bring Tabitha/Tabitatha back for multiple episodes, right? I mean, that character/actor is too good to not bring back at least a couple more times this season.

Oh, believe me, I had the same anxiety. That's probably why I try to restrict my recommendations of The Wire to just a basic "it's pretty awesome" statement and then move on.

Oh, believe me, I had the same anxiety. That's probably why I try to restrict my recommendations of The Wire to just a basic "it's pretty awesome" statement and then move on.

I guess what I meant in the last paragraph is that I feel as if the show's writers are rushing back to have the show function as a reason for having Carrie and Brody constantly interact with each other. While the circumstances and dynamics have been altered slightly, we're still getting back to a show where Brody and