
This comment is beautiful, agreed 100%, including about the specific songs you mentioned. Im glad someone else was as impressed by this album as I was.

With every album they make, they've been using more and more gender neutral pronouns. A small but significant step in trying to broaden their audience from the stereotypical "rabid teenage girl" fanbase.

I never said the album was great, I said it was very good. Also, I meant mature as in "mature themes", if that makes sense. Family Guy isn't incredibly mature, for example, but it still has sex references and mature themes. That was the reference I was going for. I realize there is a big difference between mature

I think it's just because Perfect is more of their "standard stuff" which some people, by now, are sick of. Perfect is a guilty pleasure for me, but I think it's just the fact that it was chosen over other, better songs to be made a single. It's pop, which isn't necessarily bad, just frustrating for people like myself

Oh, that makes a lot more sense! I feel so dumb; I didn't even think about the fact that they probably didn't hear the deluxe version. Still, not mentioning two out of three singles for an album review is pretty questionable. I agree that Hey Angel sounds like Bittersweet Symphony, but it seems intentional, as

I completely get what you're saying, but to be fair, these albums are going to make a lot of money, so it makes sense for the A.V. Club to review them, just like how they review movies that draw in huge crowds their opening weekend.

Completely agree. Those four songs really show the diversity of this album, unlike Perfect, which has the pop vibe that most people have come to expect (and, unless they are diehard fans, avoid) from One Direction.

Okay, I am truly not here to bash the A.V. Club. While I agree that they should review more of a variety of music genres, it makes sense that they're reviewing Bieber and Once Direction today, as they'll probably be the two best selling albums of the week.

To be fair, for some reason the A.V. Club decided to link to the worst song on the album by far…

I always assumed Annie's birthday was late December in 1990, therefore still being between January 27, 1990 and February 14, 1991. This would mean that she would still be 19 on December 3, 2010.

(I don't know if this comment will show up in the right place, I'm using mobile right now ans it only lets me post in specific spots on threads)

(I don't know if this comment will show up in the right place, I'm using mobile right now ans it only lets me post in specific spots on threads)

If the episode wasn't very good, then the grade for it shouldn't be too high. Also, if this is the case, then the review would retell what happened in the episode and offer constructive criticism, and not 'shit on it for ten paragraphs'. Reviews can't always be positive.

If the episode wasn't very good, then the grade for it shouldn't be too high. Also, if this is the case, then the review would retell what happened in the episode and offer constructive criticism, and not 'shit on it for ten paragraphs'. Reviews can't always be positive.

Trust me, it's wayyy less fun sober.

Trust me, it's wayyy less fun sober.

This week's Glee review (I hate watch Glee but I love the reviews) also mentions Girl Talk! What mad sorcery is this?!?!

This week's Glee review (I hate watch Glee but I love the reviews) also mentions Girl Talk! What mad sorcery is this?!?!

I agree. It's the circle of un-life.

I agree. It's the circle of un-life.