Major Lee Wack

Looks like it's time to air out the horse masks, boys.

Or have the battery go dead.
Batteries.. cell phones… these days… didja ever wonder… what's up with that?  Amirite??

'Horsey sex is bad. There ought to be a law against it."

Yeah, they tried a script starring one of those little black jockey lawn guys as the lead, and… it didn't test well.

I would rate this episode a solid B- . The only real lack of humor was the Katy Perry subplot… that was a black hole that sucked all laughter away. But it was fast-paced enough that we kept getting good laughs with everything else.

Sounds like the kind of hate a certain Alec Guinness would understand all too well. If only he weren't dead…. 
wait! There's always Carrie Fisher! She'll commiserate! Daughter and Father, together again, a Dark Side full of bile.

A wizard did it!

Ah, Waffle-O's. My preteen crack was the Blueberry flavored ones. Many a Saturday morning spent in a sucrose coma on the couch, right hand covered with that delicious blue dust (true sugary cereal addicts have no use for the milk, or a bowl). It's the kid equivalent of waking up in the Chelsea Hotel with a needle in

I tend to buy stuff from the OUTSIDE perimeter of the grocery store. Unfortunately, it's a pretty lousy diet until the Girl Scouts come around with their cookies.

I have always preferred iHop's chocolate pancakes… but I bet Red Velvet Pancake Puppies look absolutely mind-blowing when you puke them up the morning after.

Good Lord.
I actually love the fact we live in a universe where the phrase "Red Velvet Pancake Puppies" can not only be imagined, but made into reality. There is no stopping our civilization now.

I actually just saw this for the first time, and it did remind me of a kind of watered-down Eraserhead. 

Yeah, I felt racist saying it. Apparently blue skin has the power of making everyone feel racist! Fortunately there are no Picts around to feel the brunt of our irrational hatred.

And fills them with blue, blue terror.

It looks like a small blue old bald Jewish/Aztec man! And I hope I never have to chain those English words together in that same order ever again!

I can't help but take 80% of what he says in the book with a grain of salt, based entirely upon his facetious-asshole persona onstage and in his acting. It never occurred to me that he could be being basically honest and consciously trying not to  make it funny. I guess his talent is that he can have it both ways;

This reboot will probably earn its grittiness by having Sleeping Beauty accidentally eat a pile of the Prince's pubic hairs. You know, like in the original Hansel and Gretel.

You would need special glasses.

Heh! White people listening to gangsta rap. What unlikely, risible fancy will these comedic writers dream up next??

I'll totally fake being your grief-stricken parent. I'm in.