Major Lee Wack

Wait…. "Agent Dom DeLuise"? Alice Cooper "piano-tickling"? 
This almost sounds insane enough to watch, if there were some way to digitally edit Mae West out of every scene. Or digitally take 65 years off her age. Get to it, Turner Movies!

I even enjoyed Klaus in his tiny bits. I love it when he's just sitting there in a little bowl with his fish-ass in the water. This is the only MacFarlane show where the designs, not only the writing, are actually funny. (some might say it's the only show where both are actually funny. Among that some would be me.)

She's got a balcony you could recite Shakespeare from! According to Jerry Stiller 
in that King of Queens episode. Other than that, I got nothin'.

That picture makes me think of one thing… Rocky Jerky.

If Tomlin could do some kind of combination of her characters in Nashville and Short Cuts, it might make Reba's show watchable. In theory, anyway.

As musicians go, he's a great tattoo artist.

Sound has always sucked on SNL's set, even for great musicians. Add to that the fact that they're live performances with no allowances for last minute sound checking, and it's no surprise the performances fall flat on the tv screen. It's just not designed to show off bands at their best. Solo acoustic performers

So take note, aspiring Croatian starlets: when Uwe Boll tells you he wants you "full-on nude" for a "sex scene," those are NOT just charming Hollywood metaphors.

I stopped reading at "slender shaft."

I am already rooting against Mark and Bopper, because I can't take another second of Bopper springing into the air like a dog and yelping. He's like a hybrid of Boomhauer and Jim Varney, only more irritating.

You looking at me?

Whozis on the whatnow?

Judging from the photo, Steve Buscemi's next role should be lead actor of "The Larry King Story."

Only one of them ruined Christmas

Nothing is more heartbreaking than whitey-on-whitey crime.

Boobs a boobs boobs, boobs?

In a battle between G.G. Allin's Cock and the Penis Penguin, who would win?

My vote is for "Love It To Death"…  "Is It My Body" is an underplayed classic

Who said anything about fucking a Fanning? That's disgusting. They are all still underage, I think.

Seeing as his bland off-the-shelf "riskiness" made the thing actually palatable, I applaud the organizers for wising up to the whole shebang and enjoying the sensation of actually being talked about by actual people in the non-media world. The Globes know they exist mainly for boozed-up celeb-watching.