Major Lee Wack

"My Baby Is an Ugly Man"

Agreed. The Wild Flag album doesn't deserve the terms "side project" or "supergroup." It's actually good on its own merits.

Now if we can just get people off of the awful James Bond-fueled vodka martini trend and into a nice gin martini… dirty

Wait till you hear about Troy McClure.

It was a good book, and well written, but it got too much credit from middlebrow critics because it was a case of a "literary" author who was indulging in some "genre slumming." 
It's a worthy apocalypse book, but some people who read it may not have ever seen that kind of thing before in their lives, not being sci-fi

He was a true old school journalist and I am glad he is being remembered for that part of his career. It's important to remember that he wasn't always just a kvetcher behind a desk.

I laughed too, and like so many, I am now feeling that delicious wave of self-hate that comes when your brain turns off and your teenhood is raped.

Many good memories associated with RH's music. I'm glad to live in a world where he exists. 
Hmmm… I realized that sounds a bit skewed like one of his lyrics but that's probably due to the Nyquil. Anyway, time to go listen to the Queen of Eyes

Can't I be in some other class? A more horizontal one?

Well, this is depressing for the institution of hipster marriage.
Now all we have going for us is Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson. (not actually married of course)

Pitchfork is like the AV Club without
a.) a sense of humor
b.) comments allowed

They should call this film "0.1 From The Grave"

Starring Idris Elba as Deerhunter.

And don't ever say "period piece" in a porno context…

these penis jokes are hirarious!

b=12h ?
I prefer to use its inverse, 2b=h. After all, the b is usually easier to measure at the time.

Hitler, Hitler, Hitler!
That's all I'm hearing from these Danes nowadays!

I always check my fries for a finger now. That's one of the top scenes in an 80s horror movie.

If I were Corgan
I would have a backup of Asian guitarist and cute girl bassist genetic material in my underground lair.

Crosseyed and Painless
Now that I think about it, I could use a good laugh before I hit the ground… won't get that from Talking Heads. Maybe "Sister Ray"