Major Lee Wack

Just one step on the way to turning it into the After School Special it really wants to be.

Fortunately, Charlie can fight them off with his amazing poetry-firing hands.

He's still no Chuck Norris.

Don't give him cocaine, it'll just make him angry!

Ah yes, we've all been there….

Yeah. On some level, all guys think, "Sex, it should be treated as just a commodity, you know? Kind of like cocaine, booze, handjobs…"

Here was the cop cream from Middle America, and Jesus… they looked and talked like a gang of drunken pig farmers!

Damn spiders… always sucking my cock.

Don't forget these unexpected amputations too. They always happen in threes. First Zsa Zsa's leg…

Um, is this where the thread that went so quickly from absurdly tossed-off quips to heavy public policy shit goes back to self-conscious absurdisms? Yep.

I once fantasized about wandering into a Judd Apatow film too. But I found it much more satisfying to actually walk out of one.

Just drop him.
It's what the people want.

I hope there's a talking dick
It's the least Fareed Zakaria would demand for the Iraqi diplomacy scene.

Stop the Spider-Man, I Want To Get Off!!!

I actually prefer Karl's deadpan flat Mancunian to Gervais' obnoxious laughter, and I'm an American. Looks like my decades listening to Mark E. Smith albums trained me well.

In related news…
I heard 8 and 3 are suing "24" for defaming their product

NBC is pretty good at taking things down.
Like their own shows! BA-doom POW!!!!!

Joining in on the 90 Minute IPA love, I can say that it's the best beer I've had in years. Perfect blend of hops and maltiness. And, oh yeah, the ABV will set you free after just a couple. It's one of the few 4-packs worth its elevated price.

Ennui with a touch of Je Ne Sais Quoi and a smidgen of Amour-Propre, to be exact.

Godard < Almodovar