Major Lee Wack

All I got is, that guy's face is amazing. It should have its own phylum itself.

All I got is, that guy's face is amazing. It should have its own phylum itself.

I just really wish there hadn't been a gun involved. Because then, it's much more likely that nobody would be dead. Just a thought.

So easy to re-tweet… so hard and potentially deadly to lead an angry mob… the math just does itself!

Um.. why are the two young guys apparently wearing elastic form-fitting towel pants? Is it their birthing hips?

I just hope nobody catches on to the eerie similarities between this script and my unsold pilot episode of "Dr. Bubbles, Frontier Clown."

True all. Raising Hope is pretty often a good candidate for several "Simpsons did it!" per episode. But somehow I don't mind it being a sometimes blatant ripoff… seeing those gags done in real life just makes them more funny.

I'd be "Charmed" to find her "Breaking In" to my masturbatory fantasies any day!

Actually they are probably the hottest people in the room, now that you mention it. I only brought up bartenders because of the hot one on Justified, who consistently pulls me out of the grimy Appalachian reality every time she appears. But that's basic cable.

If HBO is that guy who doesn't own a TV so it can't watch itself, Cinemax must be that guy who only owns a TV so he can touch himself.

Forget the trailers, where's the viral web sites? I demand obscure Flash games that involve something tangential to the movie's plot!

Eh, if they scuzz her hair and maybe her skin up, she could pass for a quiet wallflower. But this won't happen in a Hollywood movie, which is a universe where every female, including late-shift police workers and bartenders in dives, is astonishingly beautiful and has perfect hair, even after a brisk car chase or

I thought it was a spinoff of Hung.

The whole point, apparently, was to show the box full of puppies a delicious treat, then snatch it away and tape the box shut. Because they love to hear excited puppies scratch away at their box. And really, who doesn't?

I do this every weekend already. I've gotta step up my game for the actual apocalypse.

In Soviet Russia, runaway slave frees YOU!

Yeah, her boyfriend was freaking me out a bit. He looked like the young Tiny Tim or the young Alice Cooper. Or an unholy mix of the two.

I usually just chop them up with the danged things still on there, then toss 'em up in a salad with a nice vinaigrette.

Man, I love me some of this show. Haven't laughed so hard since some vintage Simpsons era. (Of course, this show is filled with blatant lifts from the Simpsons, but it's hilarious to see them done in live action). 
And no other TV show I've ever seen can manage to straddle the sick and sweet fences so well, and take it

re South Park… it's impressive that they have been able to be as essentially funny and cutting as when they started. It's a shame that 1) the immediacy of the satire pretty much dates each episode, so they have the topical shelf-life of yesterday's newspaper, and 2) that, thanks in part to South Park itself, we have