Major Lee Wack

Pretentious dicks tend to be the best artists anyway. As for Steve Albini…

I ain't sailing down no hill with nothing between the ground and my brain but a piece of government plastic!

Hey, I was just imagining myself at 12 in the bathtub. Is that a crime, Dream Police?!?

Madonna just hates things she can't do.

So his skill of "rapping," in real life,
… can cure suicidal depression, but it still doesn't have enough power to tangle with The Man.

Why? Why was I programmed to feel irony?

wait, now…. what is the legality of Lisa/Mrs. Krabappel Guro fan fiction, again? I need to make sure my website's legally covered.

From here on out, all porn must be depicted in silhouette form only, taking care not to outline nipples and/or skin folds of possibly prurient interest.

What about Tromeo and Juliet?
Been waiting for the TV version of that for years.

I'm pretty sure when rappers boast about their criminal exploits
that "failing to remove a vehicle from the roadway" doesn't qualify.

We all would have played along from the start
if the joke had been, you know… funny. And all.

Next thing they'll be telling me there are Jews there, too!

Major Lee Wack forcibly redacted by bouncer via seat of pants.

Looks to me like a driftby assault against a harp seal, using spears or some such instruments.

White people…
What's up with them, n' all?

"Okay, there's violence in it, but we're doin' fuckin' proper story lines and proper, fuckin' you know…"

Why, why, why wasn't it called Fists of Furry?

I bit.
Favorite line was "Looking further down towards the tail, you start to see the differences."

Yeah, zombies can't pull in the beautiful teenager money like sparkly vampires can. At best, they'll get the drugheads and machine shop punks. That's pretty much been my demographic throughout lif,e actually.

The 11 Disciples of Shenanigans!