Major Lee Wack

It's definitely his "$" face. They might be the same thing actually.

I think they'll be a jokey multi-ethnic crew like a squad in a WWII film. The black guy will do enough damage to his race to make up for the loss of the original project, I'm sure.

March into the Yawning Maw of Mediocrity!
Not that the black comics version would be any better, of course. This is just a bad idea being worked through the Hollywood Baddification Machine until it's become a smoking pile of Meh.

Pretty Damn Funny!
I like, I like.

I expect him to show his appreciation of each performer by flinging his mouth wide and screaming, "Ackayackyackyackackackacka!"

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are incensed about a mosque at Ground Zero right now, and are genuinely looking forward to some Fokker-related inanities to cure their angry despair.

Shame. Another great Fokker family meets its end.
Makes me think of Faulkner.

Ai yi yi! Naranjas en la cabeza!

My favorite part was when they used the truck to battle with.

You don't understand. This Juggalo thing is big. It goes all the way up to the Head Juggalo. Joe Biden.

Even scarier when you realize that when you kill one Juggalo, two fatter ones rise up to replace them.

But when is Jerzy Kozinski gonna have his pretty good year?

8 Simple Rules for Dating My Own Daughter

*punch* That movie was flawed!

No, it's wabbit season!

Backlash against backlash = frontlash?

"The emptiness… the emptiness!"

Not exactly the most original idea anyway
Anyone remember "Dreamscape"? Or a million sci-fi stories (which I am too bored to actually research, but I know MUST have existed)

This is horrible!
3 years on, and there are still Katrina refugees?!

That was definitely a jackhammer that Bender was using, so I guess his guest got pile-driven, in a sense.