Major Lee Wack

Too much 1995 techno
And 1996 anime

A more important question: does Ellen Page come to life when no one is around?

So.. in this scenario
Everyone wins! Even the racists!

There's no better way to show that you like old people!
Besides slowly distilling them to capture all their precious fluids!

The ancient Mayans were Wayans

After this song came out, I wanted to buy a Kombi and drive around Australia. And also be thrown into a skanky third-world prison. Little did I realize that America offered much greater opportunities for less entertaining mayhem.

In Prince's world, the Internet IS over!
And our world is diametrically opposed to Prince's.

Does it come with green lasers?
Packaging gurus, jump on this shit.

Holy crap.
Our decades-long national nightmare of the existence of mucous membranes is now over.

Get her to Greenland!
Then she can shout the lyrics across the Davis Strait and ?uestlove can field-record it.

Let's have some backstory!
And a wise-cracking racist robot done in CGI! I mean, only if Mel is available for the voice.

This is pretty cool.

Alan Ball said they were all real wolves
according to one of the Season 3 previews. If 'tis truth, then there's no CGI. Which is good, because CGI wolves have NEVER been done well.

Tha fans just wanna say…
that they wanna be free to see them some Drake and ride their machines without being hassled by The Man.

Wonders if anyone got CancleAids?

Obviously, they hate our freedom

Yo! Bum Wax The Show

As for me, I passed through my Don Knotts stage with no perceptible bleeding.

Somebody has to mention the name
Tim Conway.

Yeah, it's a small distinction but it makes all the difference.