Major Lee Wack

In view of this quote
"With Guillermo del Toro's recent exit leaving a massive hole in The Hobbit"..

write fast, write fast scribe lest ye perish!!!!!

Shouldn't that be "screw the wewes?"

Great stuff
Jason is fucking hilarious as always. And I loved hearing Hoyt too, as the chicks fled for their life. "Nice meeting y'all."

Mr T remembers
Sex was all fun and family entertainment in the 80s, we had none of this 2010s "hurt sex."

On Country, Cox Gets Behind YOU!

Just thought of the perfect tag for the movie!
They're Not Just in the Apartment and Coffeehouse Any More!

Can't sell OUT less ya got some CLOUT! Word me up!

I'd buy that shit.
It made my happy thingie go woo-wah.

Funny, I always thought of Gielgud, Olivier and Richardson as the Barty, Rosso and Villechaize of normal-heighted people. I must have been stoned or something.

As Ferrell goes, it was better than Anchorman. I still didn't get through the halfway point, though. And that was WITH weed, seeing it for free on HBO, and I had nothing else to do. I still couldn't finish it.

Wow, I was going to recommend reading this thread stoned instead of the watching the movie stoned, but now I'm wondering, am I stoned?

I am Warren Burger!

In Related News,
Thom Yorke was last seen in his Scottish castle, refitting his TEC-9s into fully automatic weapons, in preparation for the coming age of Music Warlordism.

I was the naked guy on that lonely train. I did think Reaper deserved much more of a chance than it got. If only it had been able to suck the undead power that somehow kept Heroes staggering forward like a zombie for 5 seasons…


I don't even own myself! I'm being rented out by a swarm of bees right about now. I do get good honey out of the deal though. Much better than the bat guano thing!

I measure everything in Katie Holmes smiles.
For instance, the distance from Earth to the Marcab Confederacy is 350.12 x 10^6 KHsm. Check your Scientology doctrine if you doubt me.

Hey, that Hitler guy ain't gonna shoot himself!

Next: AV Club Visits NWA
Except for Eazy-E, of course, he's dead.