Major Lee Wack

If you dance the Satantango backwards, does it become a Christian tango?

Chelsea Handler prefers the term "nugget"

Yeah, don't you all feel like dicks? It was OK to mock a man with a life-threatening condition, but once he's DEAD… well, that's TOO far. TOO SOON, MAN!

"Next time, check the eyebrows, mate!"

Dear Dead Ear,

"In a time of troubles… A conqueror will come. Wars will rage. Peace will flourish. Deadlines will be missed. Bedtimes ignored. Hygiene neglected. And in the end… a motherfucker with a catapult on a boat… will fuck it all up for him. A cocksucking stupid Zulu catapult that came out of nowhere… to win the glory of

Starring Paul Giamatti as the haunted loser, Rollercoaster Tycoon, trying to put together the pieces of his shattered life.

taglines 4 sale
The VIRTUALLY LITERAL roller coaster ride of the summer!

If only he would display a Woody-esque knack
for getting inside the panties of over-educated, under-developed teenage females

See, Black robots do like THIS
(clip of Skids and Mudflap)
While Asian robots do like THIS
(clip of industrial stuffing robot in Korean packing plant)

I think the Autonomicon consists of thousands of seals, and each time one is broken another plague is loosed upon our culture.

Thank Jeezy, I am not jaded enough yet to kick the show to the curb just because they showed a shock scene of an impaled girl and then, offhandedly, suggested that she was still alive. It's still fucking funny!

You aren't high. "Of Ice and Men," season two.

Arthur sucked
There, I said it.
Not that Russell Brand will have any effect on the character whatsoever; I never liked the damn thing, even if Dudley Moore was a "genius."

Actually, when I was posting this comment, I thought about making it Nick Cave instead. That would actually be pretty cool, if it had ever been done. Actually, it would be best of all if EVERY appearance of Nick Cage were replaced by Nick Cave.

Nick Cage
Made a better Elvis

Maybe the sadness she is feeling
… will equal out the pain she has caused the world and humanity by discouraging parents from getting their children vaccinated. Plus the Nick and Jessica Variety Hour, that shit was real pain.

A cultural debate where I truly don't give a shit about either side. But something bothers me… shouldn't they really be called McMacarons?

In Soviet Russia, meme bores YOU!