Major Lee Wack

Hey, my job has a minimal risk of being killed or arrested too!
It's hard out here for a graphic designer. Maybe becoming a male prostitute is the solution? It sounds like a pretty sweet deal, from what I hear!

It made me laugh
Out loud.. several times. Which is more than I can say for "Weeds", a show that always seems to define smirky, hipper-than-thou humor, like a retread of "American Beauty." "Hung" is better, to me, because it's more realistically middlebrow in its setting (the Detroit milieu is just inherently more

Set ya up for that one, didn't I, General Dee? Hey, least I could do. We always try to give a "leg up" to aspiring comedians around here.

Capitalism is phoning it in now
It's just fucking around. "Hey, how about milk and soda? That'll fill an endcap for a couple of weeks. Then we can try, oh, how about… kangaroo semen and maple syrup!"

I agree, Cryer is a good actor and does wonders with the material he is given. I am willing to concede that he deserves the nod, despite the show itself sucking diseased infectious donkey scrota.

Hey, I sunk your lastie!

I too love the line. It's like, "Hey, let's check!"

Don't put 'em in the cage together. You know what'll happen. Like a couple of spiders… deathmatch

I don't know what he's in, but it's not my face!

phodreaw, I strongly disagree. Kanye was not right.
I think you'll see that Obama agrees with me (off the record).

Is the elastic belt back in yet? When will we see the "Mom Pants" retro movement?

OK, I know this is a cross-promo and all, no biggie
but I stopped reading when I saw the phrase, "the welcome Chevy Chase."

"At the helm"
… is giving Jay too much credit. It's more like "showing up at 3 p.m. and reading off the card, then speeding off in my low-carbon-footprint Corvette."

I stopped thinking tomorrow!
And I did it in the face with a tire iron!
Sponsored by Levi Johnson.

Usually I don't bother posting after 200 posts
But I just had to say:
"WTF? Is the first new Behind the Music gonna be "Behind the Music: Behind Vh1's 'Behind the Music' "? Amirite?

To write, think, or give a shit
is to be intimately in touch with your own powerlessness nowadays.

You sunk my expectations!
And faint hopes for the future of civilized human culture

Remember, the sacrificial offering must come willingly to the place of sacrifice. Or at least that's how I remember my Pagan Rituals 101 from "The Wicker Man" (original version of course)

What about us guys
who are bored enough to hate on some drunk moms, yet not bored enough to sit through a webcast and listen to actual voices?

"Are your sources reliable?"