Major Lee Wack

Decider helped me decide to hate Decider. That's how smart it is…

It's that damn player piano! Ever since that thing came out, folks don't have to go to the saloon anymore to dance a jig! I tell ya, it's gonna kill pianists and the liquor industry both.

He is right about the realities of today's market environment, and that people expect stuff for free nowadays. Where he's wrong is in claiming that "Free" is actually a business model in itself.

Turns out there's lots of money in telling other people they shouldn't want to make money.

Show me 50 business plans built on Free…
and I;ll show you, in succession, 50 beautiful cityscapes built on my fart clouds.

well. I thought that was understood

Unprotected sex with hookers is a nightly occurrence.
He has a drink or two each night but it doesn't affect his job.
He's 15 years sober…
The guy's a social drinker!!!

Over-loud fist-pumping rock
They sound like Killers with a brogue.
Lots better stuff can be had from the Scots; these guys sound like they have a serious U2/stadium bombastic tendency that isn't backed up by any content at all. If I were a son of St. Andrew, I wouldn't let them speak for my nation.
Vocals are

If I see these in public
I will administer a beating. And there'll be a reserve belt just in case I need it.

These babies are rockin' the Uncanny Valley
Good going, digital artists. Way to kill the most deeply-rooted evolutionary desire of humanity! When the aliens excavate our dead civilization, they can blame you for making even babies seem creepy.

It was a damn good movie
And Mr. Lee's best. It's the best because it opens up that wound that never will heal and makes you realize that the wound just may never heal… but we're still alive and feeling it every day, so we gotta live with it.

Yeah, besides, some of us AV Club regulars wouldn't be caught dead poking around Sullivan's blogyard.
Although he might enjoy it!

Fats wins due to Achewood reference! And highly relevant one, too (frighteningly, now that I compare the two sources).

You must realize, the metaphorical arsenal of the highly functioning idiot never bears any resemblance to reality.

I am sure this has been said already…
But not by me, so here goes.

Irish people have this tendency, don't they…
I mean, look at "Finnegan's Wake."

Come on, this isn't rocket science…
Everyone knows the only song to listen to as a sex guide is "Altar of Sacrifice" by Slayer.

You should try Bing! It gives me EXACTLY what I don't want the MOST, right at the very top! With uncanny accuracy.


Wow.. re: the Lisa Marie blog
Sounds like she is on a heavy guilt trip. Hopefully it's just the grief, and she will realize eventually that she was lucky to save her own ass and couldn't be expected to save his too.