Major Lee Wack

It's like Brazil in my mouth, and everyone's A'caimin'!

John Malkovich's clothing line
will assure that all dignified OCD serial killers will be nattily dressed for the summer months

Taint Weights

Casting ideas
I would personally like to see Downey Jr. in the Scrabble role… and Dane Cook can play the irritating douchebag from high school who locates you and pokes you.

Fun Fact about Fentanyl:
It was also the drug that Russian police pumped into a theater in Moscow to incapacitate several Chechen terrorists who were holding people hostage inside. Unfortunately, I seem to remember it also killed several of the hostages… but small price to pay for efficiency

Have you all heard him do that song, "Glory Days"? He sounds so much like Bruce Springsteen on that one, it's unreal.
They should call him "the next Bruce Springsteen."

It's always a bad sign when you are a "director and producer", yet are known primarily as "the director and producer who has been a judge on "So You Think You Can Dance", rather than for anyhing you have actually directed or produced. Maybe you should just give up and call yourself a "reality show judge" instead in

Plus, he's in love with a stripper, and yet he retains his jaunty sense of humor!

Way to take a stand, noble Slate commentator.

nice pics, but when will we see Depp when he is actually IN character?

Newfoundland: Greenland's Cozumel

If only there were more gay bars with balconies everywhere, so that scared bloggers like Perez Hilton could enjoy delicious cocktails and pass judgment on the rest of mankind, and yet be safe from the drama and the bleeding! This is truly an inhumanity, people.

All I can say is, MAMA MIA! That's a BIG TURD!

Ellen Page will smother you to death with her B-cups of righteous thinking-man's alterna-comedy, and then dance on your grave with her enormous righteous nipples of narcissism.

Twitter: It's the new 911 for people who can't get 911 to come help them!

We win even more points if we can figure out a way to get Kanye dragged into the mix.

How about, "Dane Cook is going to irritate your urethra like a dried lump of piss."

A fireworks factory where nothing explodes is… like a Michael Bay movie where nothing explodes

I have a question
How does one get a higher position on the Staff of Kings?

Good takeoff! even if it is 40 years old
I like the dancing Indians.