Major Lee Wack

Why would he right it? Would it be on its side for some reason?

No such luck. Your firstie will remain upon this wall for all time, to act as a reminder that no matter how low a man may fall, there is always another level of FAIL below him, plastered with the bodies of even more miserable losers.

Put his stamp on it? More like, "put his TOOL in it!"

yeah, the main dude without the walrustache

oh well… 99 out of 100 threads die before they reach the sea to spawn anyway

Josh, anyone ever told you you kinda look like the smiley Mythbuster guy?

OK, but one question…
Who will be the featured "rock band" in the game? Rolling Stones? The Who? Yardbirds? Kinks?

last time I saw a douche fest like this, it was in Vegas at the 2005 annual Douche Fest. (The Summer's Eve booth really kicked ass by the way)

Exactly! So my statement was completely accurate!
I guess my point was that once we come out of the womb, we all basically suck.
(literally as well as metaphorically!)

I like to pretend it was nervous laughter. Like when a crazy uncle blabbers something stupid at a family get-together and everybody is wondering "when will he get drunk enough to pass out, already?"

@Sugartits; I was going to say that Twizzlers would somehow be involved. But they are entirely too thin and stringy, I guess.
I don't know.. it's early and I'm tired… can't think of any phallic candies at all! Except for Blow Pops. But they are kind of wish-fulfillment for guys anyway…

Reeses tiny cups for the most win ever.
I believe Heaven will be a cloud of B-cup breasts and small cup Reeses.

As I said in the hijacked thread earlier…
Conan seemed like himself, just in a bigger set. But when the guests blow, not much can save you.
Seriously… THAT was the clip for Land of the Lost? The funniest thing they could find?

Seemed like the usual Conan to me, just in a bigger set. And not much can be done when the guests blow. Ferrell is a blah and Pearl Jam are past their born-on date. I'm still hoping Conan can rise above the Tonight Show/Leno fart cloud. But mediocre guests will water his broth down quite a bit I am afraid

In the future…
all the world's charitable contributions will come from people willing to pay to watch Sanjaya eating bugs or a Kardashian's ass. This is what is known as "compassionate conservatism" I believe

Vampires be all like this at parties…
"WHOOOOEEEEE, paper cut, get on it! That blood some sweet ass shit" while regular people be all like, "Excuse me, I must have cut myself, does anyone have a bandage?" Wack, yo.

Really looking forward to learning Waldo's backstory.
I mean, he must have motivation for blending into so many crowds. Perhaps an abusive father and a distant mother were responsible. Or maybe his parents died on a starship. Or they were hippie Canyon burnouts given to letting their child wander off into large groups

I Like!
Anything in which Ghost Monkeys feature prominently is right up my alley.
Now, what's the dealie on these "paperbacks?" Do they run Flash, Javascript, or what? Can you click 'em?

Bender and 14-year-old self: agreed. White Zombie's "Children of the Grave" rules. (BTW, I also just bought some weed off your 14-year-old self.)

Yea! Chick Tracts! Voted Best Stoner Pamphlets 20 years in a row!