Major Lee Wack

Still parsing this line…
"I am so sorry it's had to get to this point by me having to take this action against you. "

All I can think of is the Black Sabbath "brand" floating in the crapper, whilst Ozzy, taking a leak, mumbles in his Brummy accent "li'rly imva toilet"
(my music-related daydreams are full of exotic UK accents)

BHIG: It's not really an aura any more. It's more like a stationary fart cloud now. Johnny (or Paar, who knows) farted it, then Leno occupied it for a few years, and now it's Conan's turn to walk into the stinky but slowly evaporating mist.

Ah yes…
I will never forget that night during which Whatsername said "yes" to Whatsis, or that night when the other thing happened, either, And when that guy set fire to that thing. Those moments are indelibly branded on my mind, like when that guy President Whatsisname was killed, or when that thing blew up, or when

I hate pets, and I hate pet owners. I also hate people who have no pets, and I definitely hate animals who are not owned by anyone (how dare they!) Strangely enough, I am also in a very good mood right now. It must be because I am saucily avoiding this unwinnable debate hole by acting like a complete jackass.

So this makes, what, 3 "long-awaited" rap albums to drop this year?
Eminem, Jay-Z, and now Dre?

Co. Na. Ir.

It happens at that age 'cause they start to run out of money. And start needing hip and liver replacements. Those fresh young crash-victim organs ain't gonna buy themselves!

Be sure you don't get stopped Racing in the Street by a Highway Patrolman or a State Trooper on the way, though, or you may find yourself Workin' on the Highway.

More differences:
On a steel horse Bon Jovi rides, while Springsteen rides through mansions of glory in suicide machines, which sounds much more fun and dangerous.

Not to mention semen and bloody asphalt.

That's right, gays: hear one, hear all…
Word has come down from the Children… You must change your lives NOW, so as not to CONFUSE them.
Remember, OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN are more important than you.
And it is your Civil Duty not to confuse them with talk of such things as mutual bank accounts, furniture buying,

Hey, T3 was a decent enough action film. Remember the scene where the truck driven by the terminatrix babe goes sideways and smashes a bunch of buildings all to hell?

Anyone who calls himself "McG"
doesn't deserve to be taken seriously anyway.
Maybe he should take some of the letters from those bad reviews and build himself a real name. Amirite? *nudge, nudge*

You wouldn't laugh about a compass in your testicles
… if you had been there for the great Orienteering Accident of 1997.

I love that Eastern Europe has finally caught up with 1985.
They were stuck in the 70s for so long… next step: in 6 years, Albanian Grunge!

The main problem with lining your wall with boobs is getting them all to match.
(Not the drapes.. each other)

Flu Season: See Miller's Crossing as if your life depended on it. Also check out Blood Simple (not as essential, but a great film)

Not to dis the Lebowski, but
Lebowski < Barton Fink < Fargo.

That sucks.
And as an employee of a magazine that is hanging from a fraying rope, I sympathize. Hopefully fortunes will turn around soon… but it's no fun to watch the world of print media die, and be dismantled and devalued piece by piece.
Best of luck to everyone involved…