Major Lee Wack

OK, Uncle Jack got him a reprieve. But by my count, he's still got a lot of community service hours to do away with every season of Glick.

I wholeheartedly agree that it's a good idea to help kids cope. However, I reserve my right to snark at creepy line drawings created by bureaucrats. It's one of our most important rights. It's in the Constitution! Amendment 81, or something.

Dan Aykroyd is a close call
But I'll let him squeak by.

Plus, that guy's beard could kick all of ZZ Top's asses at once
Plus eat Alan Moore's for a midnight snack.

Yeah. It's like, "3rd day in the bunker. Are you bored, kids? Here. Color."

I saw "Lost Highway."

Break like the Wind.

Still waiting for the Garanimals movie…

My word!
That's the third monocle I have dropped in my Pimm's Cup this week due to the excessive cheek of these large-buttocksed American pop divas! Perhaps I must consider Lasik treatment for my hemophilia-stunted eye!

I guess they figured a check from Mr. Cosmic Space-Disco Guy's Freak-Out Show equals just as much bank as a check from the Carol Burnett Show… Kormans gotta eat too

So basically what I am gathering from all of the evidence is that George Lucas = Joseph Campbell + (vagina dentata * Hollywood sensemilla)^bales of cocaine

The 70s were insane. Batshit insane. But it must be emphasized that the SW Holiday Special is not even on the same LEVEL as Love American Style or Paul Lynde. This is an EVIL THING that barely deserves to be called "a work of entertainment". It is NOT, I repeat NOT, a "so-bad-it's-good" experience. It is more like a

I too was alive for the special and have only known it for years as a blurred, mildly psychotic memory… like the barely perceptible mental stain of a long-forgotten trauma, the cognitive equivalent of a door locked and nailed shut covered with signs reading "GO AWAY/NOTHING TO SEE HERE."

Is the snack world really that desperate?
I mean, the snack formula, the "classic model" has been about the same for decades here and nobody's complaining. Sweet, salty, noisy, cheesy. Why throw a concept like "Buzz" into the eating part? What, theobromine in the chocolate not enough to keep the brain awake for one

I received one as a groomsman too. I guess it's the perfect symbol for guys whose ceremonial role includes puking on rented tuxedos, being obnoxious, and not much else.

condensed to a one-word character-actor category, it's "LOSER"

Woolly idealism?
Is that what they make all of those hippie jackets and ponchos out of?

Untitled (The Wilco Song)

Somehow this is also related to Wang Chung telling everyone to Wang Chung tonight. Album title uncertain, however.

Don't forget Wilco Babies!