Major Lee Wack

Wait, this can't be right.
Can it?

Wonder if they're any more anatomically accurate underneath their clothes?
I wouldn't put it past a bored wax artist. Carve a cooze groove here, sculpt a pubic bone there….
Judging from the skew on the Leno face, though, maybe it would be better never to find out.

Turns out there's a name for it…
It's called "swine flu." CATCH IT!

"Yippie-Ki-Yay, Mr. Frank!"

Die under a bus in Sweden

My friend in the future told me it all sucked anyway

Stoner-level Expository Dialogue by Mohinder, w/spacey sitar music in background

[spoken in a Nigel voice] It's just that, he knows more of the songs, and so naturally, he can say things about them, more than us or we can. Coincidence? well, you can believe what you want… but he's the one who talks

"I'm sure I wouldn't feel this way if I weren't under such heavy sedation."

Hmmm.. this "brother douche paradox" makes me think that, if only one could create some sort of Self-Cleaning Douchebag that could douche ITSELF out of existence…

Weird on Canadian Radio?
Maybe he should try his luck out on Mexican Radio.

This thread turned from the normal, to the trollish, to the political pretty quick! Let's see if we can beat this record on the next article, boys!

This episode had scenes that went on forever…
I mean, I would be at my computer, typing, then I look up, and it's like, "the divorce scene is STILL HAPPENING? WTF?" And then back to work again. And then 20 minutes later, I look up… "are they still talking?" It was like being barely aware of a conversation between

This Roger Friedman guy sure looks
… like he has his finger on the pulse of Today's Digital Media Trends, all right.
Or is it just the pulse of Rupert Murdoch's prostate…

OK then may I touch myself?

I am not a huge Radiohead fanatic…
But I still have these 3 albums on my iPod and believe they really each are stunning pieces of work in full.
I also cherish seeing them live on tour for "Pablo Honey" back in the day in Athens, GA… to date they are still the only band about which I can honestly say "I saw them JUST

"Lurking and not posting makes me happy! Wait.. oh, uh.. damn it…"

Leather fairies? Is that like fairies in boots?

What is the proper etiquette for writing a suicide thank-you note?

Well, there goes my craving for a BLT with mayo for lunch
But I'm eating it anyway.