Major Lee Wack

Burning dirigible
Man, that's fun to say.
"Burning dirigible".. try it!

or you can just stumble in at random and be a wacky, irrelevant douche like me!

Wait… wouldn't doing an impression of being FAKE drunk mean that you were ACTUALLY drunk?
I can't think about it any more, I gotta get a drink.

Not that guy again!

"He looked like Jesus. He was wearing sandals."

Yeah, when Silas said "Not even God…
would be that much of an asshole," I was thinking, "Dude, ever read Job? Or Abraham much?"
And I'm not even Jewish or Christian. Come on! I mean, everyone knows.. JHVH is the classic asshole.

Wait.. Rob Schneider is a Buddhist who makes crappy movies?
He should totally get together with Steven Seagal on a project.

This show?
'tis good work, sir. Hearing Ian McShane's voice is like tasting a fine single malt scotch, getting a proper shave with a straight razor and animal brush, then a lick from the leather strop afterwards.
Textures, people! Textures plus good writing is gold!

shart yer shorts!

He does resemble a serial killer from the Pacific Northwest. Or a sasquatch. However, he is in actuality very gentle and will even let you touch his electric car, if you approach him in a non-threatening manner

true, and lots of screaming about menopause and "Negro progress"

mmm, I love lobsterbacks with a squirt of lime!

Nothing snarky can be said of this! It's actually a piece of decent news.
And here I was all ready to piss on someone's parade. I guess I don't have enough troll in me to start a "Neil Young sucks" thread

And now that cherry-wood be needin' a new coat of varnish.

I am afraid this has given the tomato-red ascot a bad name!

In fact, I was really much happier not knowing that ventriloquists even existed in this day and age.
We are an enlightened people in so many ways today. After all, have we not eradicated slavery, cannibalism, mother-son incest, and mimery from our common daily lives?
And if so, why then not dummy-puppet-joke-talking?

When I masturbate, I usually think about bigpox.

Not necessarily, he could have been doing the fetal mind meld from the outside of her womb

Its career was flying high, just waiting for a crash. A crash into a lake of molten, flaming AIDS.

"Can You Picture That?"