Major Lee Wack

Don't forget Amy Winehouse!

I think it would be called Oprahvo

Barnsworth Fentley?
Either way, his name pwns Diddy's ass

The question is, is there any idea of any kind that ZMF can't deflate?

Why not just call it
"My Wasted Youthpalooza"

excuse me, that should have been MOTHERFUCKING…

my favorite is

Better to follow Diddy ironically on Twitter
than to follow him sincerely with an umbrella, like that dude what's his name did.
(Too tired to Google… which shows how little I really care)

I concur with Josh. Their album is really not as bad as their name would suggest. It is one of the most horrible of the dreaded sentence-or-phrase bandnames, though. Why not just "The Pains"? Too garage-rocky?

I can take a noun and bend it! GIMME A NOUN!!!!

Also, incompetent people are entertaining enough from a distance, that obviously a large number of us competents act as their enablers.

This film
… would have been an underheated bowl of puke even in 1993, back when its jokes were actually relevant. In this day and age, it's a calcified lump of dried piss in my urethra.

Who would be interested in a Limp Biskit reunion?
Well, remember those "crack babies" of the '80s?
It's them.

Everybody knows the Cult of the Snooty does not recruit
You are either born into it, or, in rare cases, you may be invited by an insufferable girlfriend/boyfriend in the guise of a "learning experience." This usually consists of a visit to a local underground theater or a basement art studio.

It's actually like Candyland, with cutting!

This looks like
what Barbie uses to douche with.

I can eat matter, too. I can even make it come out the other end of me.. MAGICALLY TRANSFORMED. Doesn't seem like that much of a power…

I prefer the Adult version, "Asses to Asses" (Parts 2 through 5)

Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends
The farmer and the cowman should be friends….

Yeah, I liked the Guy Who Can Melt Toasters. And Sylar never used that one once he got it. I guess it would come in handy if you're trapped in a shelf collapse in the Small Electrics department of Target.