Major Lee Wack

Band name: Ada Airport
Ada Airport presents its debut album… "Ball Of Light in One's Hand"

Fuck Whedon and Lucas. This show needs a script intervention in the form of some good old-fashioned deconstructin'. Alan Moore, Charlie Kaufman, and Quentin Tarantino can go to town on this diseased cadaver.

What's amazing is that EVERY CHARACTER in this show is a tool for exposition. It's like they just spring to life to read pieces of the script, grimace a little, and create some kind of cgi effect (and not nearly enough of that to make up for it).
So, kind of like Lost, we have a show in which there are no people,

I feel sorry for the Arubans who relied on Natalee Holloway for their livelihood. Way to kill the goose, guys…

not to mention Entrapment!

Prison Wine's Apartment: We put the word "Trap" in Apartment!

Where a stranger is just a friend you haven't been raped by, then killed by, and disposed of by in a cover-up extending to the very top of your society, yet.

Double big ups to Andy Pants. I fucking love this trailer, the film, the comments, the commenters, and the AVclub. That's why I keep coming back. That, and the grandmother ass, and the chimpanzee Xanax.

When I poop I always say, "I made a Dave Matthews"

Anything is better with a Dracula in it!
Or Zombies.
Bonus for Dracula Zombies.
Wolfman though .. that's just a big fail

I see that (as expected) I was way far from being the first to make this joke. But.. dammit, it was FIRST TO ME. That's what matters.

Does this mean…
.. that his career has jumped the shark?

That's OK, we stopped listening anyway

Somebody actually writes Leno's material? I thought he just filled in new names from old Carson routines, Mad-Libs style

Will the Great White reunion come before or after the Great Black Uprising? I bet Charlie Manson knows.

Cosmo in a Cosmo?
… I prefer bourbon in a bourbon

Luckily he outlived the dog
If Rourke had died in that closet, the dog might have found him and eaten his face off. Then his face would look mildly worse than it does now.

"Pimp Your MySpace! Web Self-Promotion for Aging Soft-Rockers"

I actually got this reference! Also the only Ba'hai reference in comedy that has ever existed, I think.

I was voted Most Likely to Become a Comic Fan, Film Fan, or Hater in my high school yearbook!