Major Lee Wack

Both involve dockside thugs getting injured (at least in my experience)

Watch out, Itchy! He's Irish!

I for one wouldn't mind seeing a pooping Barbie Cowboys Cheerleader toy.

crap! First failed firstie.

time a photo of a woman's stomach ever made me ashamed to be heterosexual

Irony is for public time… masturbation is for "alone time"

This can't be real….
The birthday suit bear is like if Chucky was a Furry.

King Crabs kicked ass until they sold out in the 90s. Fucking crabs. ENJOY YOUR GRAMMY, CRABS! DON'T FORGET TO THANK THE LITTLE PEOPLE!

Sounds ok…
But does it come in a digital box?

Maybe it's the wrong conclusion from the data…
In fact, it may be that beating up on your significant other is what actually CAUSES major label success, not the other way around.
Clearly, more research is needed. I recommend a controlled study where indie women musicians beat up male record executives (on camera of

What would Kathleen Turner Overdrive do?

It's even better than that. The tits sing too!
One's a baritone, the other kind of mezzo-soprano.

True… I think he has shown that he is playing a character, just like Larry the Cable Guy. In fact, they have a lot of similarities, except Toby Keith is a lot funnier than Larry.

I'm thinking Kelly's Heroes with a seasoning of imitation Scorcese
it tastes like cannoli!

End of laughter as we know it…
Soon to be replaced by the tormented screams of Roast patrons who realize, alas, too late, that any universe where Larry The Cable Guy is possible is, in fact, HELL ITSELF!

A TRUE monkey would pocket the $ bill and just throw the poo.

I like to yell THEATER in a crowded fire!!!!

re: "threatens to give gratuitous nudity, profanity, and rank stupidity a bad name."
Doesn't it already have a name? Colin Farrell, right?

Shouldn't that be "'ard to believe"?

Where's Nordstroms?