

Fuck all of this. Are you KIDDING me with Leslie Jones nominated for an Emmy and absolutely nothing for The Good Place???

Thought experiment - would Clinton have won the popular vote had the GOP candidate NOT been Donald Trump?

Well, part of the explanation for that is that organized religion of any type is becoming a source of skepticism and mistrust for a great many people - myself included. The reason is that, with the explosion of the Information Age, people are realizing that organized religions, particularly Christian religions in

I find your prickliness entertaining. As a former Mormon, I would look at the accusations of "hateful" and "hostile" in this article referenced above, compare them to the bullshit I endured on a regular basis from Catholics back in the day, and have a pretty entertained and cathartic chuckle.

Ah, what a brave new world we live in, where people not only
anonymously cast judgment upon other people's choices, unbidden, with an accompanying soupçon of absolutely, blisteringly ill-conceived self-righteousness, but do so because they honestly believe the world EXPECTS them to do so.

I might agree that the Shuttles were not a great solution. But - and this is critical to understand in context - it was the FIRST solution of what should have been an evolution of reusable space technology (Virgin's private spaceplane is the closest thing to that evolution). I don't think anyone expected the Space

I wonder if it's because before Johnny Depp arrived, people actually remembered that pirates were licentious, murdering, thieving thugs instead of whimsical, lovable rogues standing up for freedom against nasty British capitalists.

My two cents: Toto is expert at crafting amazing hooks on top of some the worst lyrics of all pop music.

Considering Greg Proops' performance in The Phantom Menace, that wouldn't be out of character for Star Wars.

Poor, poor Barney. You can't help but feel for him the way Ben teased him over the course of the series.

It keeps me up at night.

I'm right there with you. I've kind of defied the conventional wisdom in my life - I started off rather conservative and then got more liberal as I aged, to the point where I'm fiscally just to the right of center and socially to the left of center. The hardcore liberals are just as bad as the hardcore conservatives,

Upvoting this simply because it made me remember this really terrible joke from when my best friend and I thought it was hilarious back in 1985.

The people who voted for Trump who don't necessarily support him would rather eat the most violent burrito ever made and then vote for the shit tornado they spew into their local porcelain before they'd ever vote for a Democrat - even if that meant another four years of Trump and co., and even if THAT meant the

It took over two hours for the Titanic to sink. It took Lusitania less than twenty minutes from torpedo impact to its final plunge. It was still moving at over 15 knots when it finally went under. I think the comparison between the two situations is a bit of a stretch.

I knew about the scene of Diana stepping out of the trench into No Man's Land from the trailers. But my god, when I actually saw it in the theater, I got the chills. I knew it was coming, I knew the beats they were going to hit, I knew the music was going to swell… and it still knocked me out.

If you rewatch the movie closely - and I don't recommend this because of the Cars Universe Rabbit-hole Style Environment, or C.U.R.S.E. - you'll notice that any reference to anything NASCAR-related is either HELLA COOL (low-angle speed shots, filled grandstands, respectful references to history and popularity) or at

I get your point, but the racing stuff could all have been backstory rather than made so integral to the plot. It wasn't, because Pixar negotiated with NASCAR (at least in the first, and probably the third movie - I haven't seen it yet) to specifically include those elements, cameos, and so forth into the plot.

Well, I know less about the movie business than I do about the racing business, but yeah, the context behind some of this stuff really helps if you want to approach franchises like Cars in a new light.