
You look back over 2016 and start thinking that all the people who died over the course of the year were getting out at just the right time.

There's not a lot to see. When she was first coming up in the racing ranks, she did a cheesecake shoot for FHM (IIRC), so if you're really low on spank bank material you can Google that.

Well, at the risk of being pedantic, that would sound (in German) like you are referencing the "McBoatface" vessel named by the Internet a while ago.

How I Realized How Skeevy It Was to Seduce Aunt Robin After Your Mother's Funeral

I was old enough when the original Star Wars hit the theaters to go see it with my family. Ironically enough, I elected to stay home with my best friend at the time because a rerun of Star Trek was on.

They could never tear us apart until we had politics in excess.

This kinda shit makes me more and more apt to not just cut the cord, but pull the plug on TV altogether.

There's a Village People song in there somewhere.

The media should take that list of Trump's filming demands and immediately do the exact opposite in every camera shot.

I have an irrational, deep love for Charles Chips, which were sold on street corners in giant cylindrical tins when I was a youth.


Brosnan hit the Bond role about six years too late. Had he played him younger - sometime during the run of Remington Steele - he'd have been able to do a lot more with the character.

Holy hell, yes. And I'm not ashamed to admit it - the moment when she raises the sniper rifle in that booth in the opera, the confluence of her extremely well-toned body, the jaw-dropping dress, the geometry that her arm, her leg, and the rifle make, all combine to take my breath away.

Skyfall is basically great for the opening sequence where Moneypenny accidentally shoots Bond, and then Adele's absolutely fantastic opening credits song plays. Everything after that is problematical… although the cinematography of the skyscraper battle is simply lovely.

What about that scene in The Spy Who Loved Me where he casually seduces a moll in the space of about 15 seconds, so completely that she saves him from being shot from concealment by throwing herself in the path of a bullet?

The massive low point of the series has to be A View to a Kill, where sixty-something Roger Moore was supposed to be believably shacking up with a twenty-something love interest, where anything requiring more than walking forward slowly was done by a very obvious stuntman, and which had one of the villains die in a

Donald Trump doesn't even know how to spell "transgender." This has Mike Pence's fingerprints all over it.

David Warner is one of those uber-reliable character actors who always knocks it out of the park, regardless of the role.

For good reason. Carpenter dicked around so badly on his flight that he was out of the flight rotation before Gordo Cooper even flew (in fact, Gordo talked to Carpenter from orbit when Scott was at the bottom of the ocean doing work with SEALAB). The guy was a flake.

Second best. Levon gets the best line too, though…