
As I mention elsewhere in the thread, this was by design and via edict from NASCAR itself. The whole backstory to this is somewhat entertaining in an "insider baseball" way.

Some "insider baseball" on Talladega Nights - one of NASCAR's stipulations for allowing their trademarks and content in the movie was that the digs at NASCAR culture had to center around Ricky Bobby and his immediate circle of loonies, and that the greater NASCAR culture and environment had to be played relatively

It always is for me because at one point in my career I worked with Paul Newman on the racing side. The man was so generous and so well-beloved in the racing community that it's impossible for most of us who worked with him to watch any of his Cars scenes without getting choked up. Most of his script was filled with

The thing about Cars is that it was designed originally to be a paean to Route 66 and the decline of a car culture that means a lot to older folks (like me). What you have to do is separate in your mind that story from the essentially tacked-on NASCAR cameo material. Divorce the racing crap from what was the original

I really think they ought to make a clean version of the Bible.

Shhh. It's okay, snowflake.

Someone forgot to tell me that Grizzly Adams got reincarnated.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo… she was an absolute doll as Janet "the Jackal" Colgate in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and she'll also be forever in my heart as Ben Wyatt's mom…

He should have said he fucked up while searching for a sequel to the classic Lucasfilm game "Day of the Tentacle."

I think right now we're calling him an octopus, but I get your point.

Man, was I ever into USENET back in the day. I wish I could explain to these younger Redditors exactly how much time you ultimately waste on this shit and how agonizing it is to realize that you'll never get it back.

I liked this conversation better 20 years ago when it was about USENET.

It's the wrong Newswire… and it's gone wrong.

Good lord, this one has the crazy eyes.

"Yes," said a passing maniac.

The first three books, for me, will stand more or less forever. The fourth one suffers from being a bit dated in many of its plot points. The fifth one… I don't even want to think about. And the sixth one - written post-Adams by a pretender to his throne - is even worse.

I think the Crystal Gems have been keeping a lot from Steven because they are his de facto guardians (no offense, Greg). As a parent, there is a lot from my past I won't tell my kids until they're older (or at all in one or two cases), and in this case - which is the murder of a Gem - I can easily see why they would

Someone help me out here. As stated elsewhere in the thread, I currently subscribe to the theory that "our" Pearl was Pink Diamond's Pearl and played a role in Pink Diamond's demise. A lot of pieces of the puzzle point to this possibility, including the pink diamond on Pearl's spacesuit and the fact that Pearl's

Would The Trouble with Angels qualify for this feature? Probably my favorite nun-related movie.

Everyone seems to think it was White Diamond…