
I think it would behoove us all to remember that there are a ton of bubbled Rose Quartz soldiers floating around just waiting for the endgame…

Arizona didn't get screwed - it aired tonight here locally, but Cox's DVR system didn't mark the one-hour block as "new" so I had to rely on my daughter's intel to record it manually.

Kudos to the trolls coming into this thread explaining how tasty a shit sandwich really is, except you shouldn't use dijon mustard as a garnish because that's just really elitist.

Stormtroopers go side-by-side.

Sphincter of the Mind's Eye

Attack of the Colons

The Farts Awaken

A New Poop

My kids are all grown up now, but nothing will ever erase the horrors of the "up the back" diaper explosions and their inevitable followups.

Don't blame me, it was George Lucas what named his evil baddies an anagram of "shit."

Yoda had it right when he spoke of the shits: "Always two there are."

-1000 internets for not going with Revenge of the Shits

It never fails to amaze me that Jimmy Kimmel co-hosted a show with this gangly anthropomorphic turd strand and still managed to escape with any shred of actual humanity.


…oiled up volleyball!

"We just wanted to stay involved in your lives." *sadly turns on rerun of Match Game '75*

Considering that we've had centuries of bloodshed, war, murder, and hatred from basically one Biblical story about a birthright being stolen, I think very much that the "overreaction," if it happens, is going to be the eventual end of humanity.

The attitudes and mindsets that got Trump elected are the same ones that led to ISIS and Brexit and a whole host of other human miseries. The sick and twisted and arrogant and morally bankrupt are having their day right now and, until we can figure out a way for people to reengage with their own basic humanity and

It is a measure of how awful things have become politically that I actually thought for a second that this would be the perfect distraction and rallying point for Trump.

Roger Ailes didn't experience that hatred - he birthed it.