
2 months ago, actually.

I saw them open up for The Thermals last month at Lido in Berlin.

Fun Live Band
Definitely worth checking them out.

Thanks for quoting from/linking to that interview mad. I couldn't agree more with Gilbert's statements about the current independent comics scene. Lots of pretty pictures with bland content. Look at Mome, 75% of those issues are pathetic. Gilbert's work in last year's L&R was amazing. Stayed with me for a long time.

Good observation, this thread is refreshingly free of dumbasses. (Which is why I managed to read it to the end.) Nice to see that even the AVClub rabble shows respect for Withers. His music has definitely made my life better.

I do see your point, but I had the opposite reaction—entertained to hear some new kids making 'scary' sounding hiphop.
Hope this is an early stop in an impressive career.

Yeh man, Inzombia was a bust. I still put on Soda Pop*Ripoff, tho.

Barren — Pharoahe Monch has always come through, even if the wait between records is long. I'm sure many would disagree with me, though.

Looking forward to checking out an expanded (how much?) Mr. Wonderful. I remember being kind of underwhelmed by it when it was serialized, but I think that was really my problem. Too high expectations, which couldn't really be satisfied in one page increments. I think that might be a general problem with a one page

Back in the day was back in the day.

So why a B-?
Just because they aren't 'in synch' and it sounds more like a split than a total collaboration, or are the songs themselves not that great?

Thanks for the tip, Respected Ancestor. I'll try to track it down.

Crossover-friendly if you like 15-minute-long, abstract and formless, go-nowhere instrumental jams.
Which I do, so I've got most everything they've done. The new one makes me miss my copy of Miles Davis' "Get Up With It" that is in a box far away from my current residence.

I mentioned M. Matos didn't I…I was obliquely bitching about a feature I enjoyed getting the ax while others I don't care for flourish.

"Old-schoolers and obscurities"
Guess it's a matter of perspective, but they're all pretty big deal names in electronic music. And many of the remixers (Lawrence, Carston Jost, Efdemin) are the core roster of Dial, Pantha du Prince's former label.

That's very open-minded of you.

But I just ate dinner, Peter Cacka.

whoa, why the hate? I didn't say that I thought the album was any kind of garage, I just commented on the difference between UK garage and US garage. IMO it is way too slow to be dubstep, and there ain't any beats. Personally, I think it is a singer songwriter album.

Garage the way they say it in England, not garage the way we say it in America (which is the Nuggets kind). Clear now?
And this album is in no way dubstep, whatevr that even means anymore (see above, or better, don't).

The Thing game sounds cool. Is there a They Live game? Because as I was watching that movie last night it occurred to me that it could be made into a truly amazing game.