'We only shot it a few months back, but I can't remember what was worse - the taste of her pussy, or the chlamydia afterwards. Fortunately, both went away.'
These girls are the worst that i have ever had the misfortune to come across. The photos are a total fake. The profile and the services are a total joke.
'Suck it Bowie'.
Funny you should mention that. Just the other week, I was walking down the street and Susan Sarandon tried to shove Eva Amurri in my face. At first, I thought I was getting mugged by celebrities and was all like - 'Bitch, you crazy?', but then I checked the situation, and was all like, 'Naw, bitch - you cool', and…
R.I.P. Willow Smith.
Christopher McQuarrie is M. Night's towelboy.
The twist is he has no dick. No-one knows why or where his dick went to. But that's always the twist with M. Night. He's actually a pretty cool guy, if you dig shit directors with no dicks. I don't, I think he's a dick, which is ironic or some shit.
I can say goodbye to my erection problems then. Thank you for this joyous news!
The Sixth Sense is the greatest mind-fuck in the history of cinema. You people don't understand - professors break that shit down (as best they can) and teach that shit in college.
We understand, except - Al Roker is the exception.
It was. Twice removed. Third time's a charm!
But what did NBC think of the recent news that Disney has acquired Lucasfilm?
If this guy's so fucking cool, how come he didn't write more books?
If this guy's so fucking cool, how come he doesn't write more books?
What - you can't sing and fuck at the same time?
@avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus Mintz-Passe is fine but the character is pretty different from the original, as doesn't have the same arc - he disappears at the start for most of the movie before - SPOILER ALERT - reappearing at the end.
Your list of best-of lists is nearly as long as my Johnson.
From what I remember, I think Gene and Paul were the two main songwriters, but Paul wrote the good stuff. I always go by the rule - if they sing it, they probably wrote it. So you'll find Stanley singing on most of their hits, especially post-70s.