
I feel confident in your list-putting. Try out his short stories "Quadraturin" or "Yellow Coal" if you want to get a taste of what he's like. If you happen to speak French or Russian, you can get his complete works. Most of his stuff hasn't been translated to English yet.

Just enjoy the ride. If you're a DFW fan, it's wonderful just to 'hear' his voice again. Definitely an unfinished work, but you can see that it was going to be goddamn brilliant. What little there is reads way easier than IJ but is no less insanely well written.

I don't think there's a more perfect short story in existence than "Barn Burning".

I blew through Going Clear in like three days, incredibly compelling stuff.

Finally getting around to reading Borges' Collected Works, and yes, of course, he's amazing. It's fascinating as a big fan of David Foster Wallace and Mark Danielewski to see the clear influence he had on them; footnotes, labyrinths, mirrors, dissolving identities, it's all there.

He has actually been legitimately good in movies such as "Somersault" (where he played a good-hearted simple guy), but yes, he seems entirely out of place in larger Hollywood fare. I would go as far to say that something about all his performances post-Avatar make him seem really uncomfortable. Like he visibly doesn't

Count yourself lucky.

From all the press stuff I've seen of him, he also seems like a genuinely nice guy as well. And he's been faithfully married for years! Whattaguy.

My personal favourite. Almost the proto "Melancholia" in a way. Just a stellar bit of television.

Wait, are you joking? That movie already exists.

I have it on good authority that is exactly why.

This actually happened in a club in Vancouver one time when Shia came in coked out of his mind and acted like a complete douchebag. We ended up having to halt production until his face got better. Dude is an a-class shithead.

Some people just have inexplicable taste. My friend and business partner is a solid dude, but cannot be trusted with pop culture. He hates Seinfeld AND The Simpsons, loves Family Guy and raved to me about The Following. I also seriously suspect he reads nothing but awful young adult horror and fantasy books.

The question then arises, why are people made uncomfortable by it? Even if they are, is that much of an issue? So it's not common on TV, sure, but does that automatically follow that Dunham's intent is to challenge folks? She's obviously someone who is fairly comfortable with her own body and her show features a fair

Jesus Christ, AvClub I think I can't read the comments on the Girls reviews anymore. So Lena Dunham gets naked a lot for a tv show, so what? It's just a fucking human body. We all got em'. And honestly, I know this has been thrown around, but I also wouldn't care if Larry David did get naked on his show all the time,

Not just America…

Holy shit, I would not be surprised at all if that were the case.

They're hit and miss, but some of their hits have been as good as the golden age of Something Awful (Lowtax's review of "Feeders 2" is still one of the funniest things ever written, even if that was more than TEN YEARS AGO).

Thank goodness that scenario you posited is only speculative!

It all comes down to tax credits that could be claimed by productions. Legislation passed a couple of years ago put a stop to a lot of them and in doing so killed off the majority of incentives that attracted studios to shoot in Vancouver (besides the weather and the vast pool of highly skilled labour.) The result of