
My personal favourite of the "I can't believe I'm even reading this sick stuff but it's great" genre would be Nicole Cushing's novella from last year, "Mr Suicide", almost certainly the darkest story I've ever read. I'm talking Ligotti-level nightmare fuel, a second person absurdist horror story from the perspective

This is the internet and most people have no time for google.

If by "city" you mean "crushing sense of existential fear" then yes, I own quite a large one!

Tomorrowland is shooting in my city and hot damn am I keen to work on it.

This is a joke, but I'm going to use it to take the opportunity to say that the documentary "The Redemption of General Butt Naked" is another great exploration of evil and possibility/impossibility of forgiveness for hideous crimes.

The majority of the victims, it seems, were of Chinese background. So I think it sort of still qualifies.

I can't think of many shows that are THAT honest in their portrayal of serial killers. Really, I think it would make for some pretty awful/distressing/psychologically deadening stuff if we had a TV program that was exclusively about what such people are really like. Films such as "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer"

You start to get into the nebulous terrain of post-metal/drone/sludge pretty quickly when you talk about heavier outfits, acts such as Sunn o))) or Earth could be argued to be post-metalish.

I can imagine that was awesome. I saw Hugo Weaving in it in Melbourne, Australia and he was fucking incredible, Gandolfini would have brought an entirely different energy to it.

This feels like something that would be more suited to your buddy that prefers asses.


This isn't at all a profound thought, but man, Joe Hill's eyes are like identical to his dad's. Genetics is weird maaan.

Um, yes you will. Unless of course you happened to acquire this episode through 'unofficial' means… Only the torrent has the de-synched audio at the end.

Tiny bit of movie trivia that probably nobody cares about. I happened to befriend one of the producers/actors in this movie (not naming names) and it turns out this was shot in a house opposite the one that Marvin Gaye was murdered in. In point of fact, the Gaye house was where production camped out and the room where

Ice Kings's "Well, holes are holes!" is still one of the best ones.

Worth mentioning that Australia had to invent an entirely new part of the heat colour spectrum last year thanks to the ridiculously punishing and constant temperatures.

The episode is an admitted influence for the makers of Cube.

Yes that's the one.

It's my not-so-secret dream to one day adapt his works to the big screen. His work could rival Star Wars for spectacle, but the hard-coded leftism of his narratives would be extra amazing to see snuck into ostensibly blockbuster fare.

Ugh, yeah. Pretty heart breaking news today.